Davey Dreamnation

Davey Dreamnation

Davey Dreamnation (1972–?) is an Australalian musician, vocalist, pirate and record-label owner who now lives 'in the third person'.

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Toxic Gulf

years since the gap first appeared between the teeth of a little girl picking raspberries from her mother’s hand by the poisoned stream a toxic tale of porcelain has traced its tiny fingers round the lines on contour maps (&…


Sitting at home with the windows closed on the one and only summer day we will get in Sverige this year, bawling my eyes out watching an imaginary movie on the backs of my eyelids called Björkpollen II: Det kliande…

You have memories

You have memories, sure, but then who doesn’t know where you live these days? Camping out in the wilderness until the controversy blew over seemed like a good idea at the time, of course, but that was before the anaesthetics…