Tag: Sweden
Lecture invitation: Bonfire of the Vanity Presses
3 min read
You are invited to attend a public lecture and poetry reading by David Prater, sponsored by the Art Line project, Digital Art Platform Initiative, and organized by the BTH Department of Culture and Communication.
Jag är glad över att vara tillbaka i [Sverige]. Ett land som jag länge beundrat, och där min karriär som diplomat började för nästan trettio år sedan. Australien och Sverige har en lång gemensam historia. Faktum är att Australien kude ha blivit svenskt. Gustav den tredje gav order om en svensk bosättning i Västra Australien…
@daveyinsweden’s 500th tweet!
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Image: my five-hundredth tweet. Follow @daveyinsweden on Twitter!
Cabaret Voltage: Intermission
1 min read
While I’m in a video posting mood, here’s what could be considered a lost gem.
Övergången, the chapbook, out now!
2 min read
I’m thrilled to say that I have a new chapbook coming out, and it’s bilingual!
Art Line comes to Karlskrona!
1 min read
In October, Art Line comes to Karlskrona, with a range of events planned, including a seminar on digital art.
Stars & Stripes
2 min read
I have seen things you do not wish to see, in any theatre, not even in war. Together we have seen & done what few could ever imagine, even inside these dream machines. The men emerging from cubicles with their dicks hanging limp & out. Or the couples fracking with impunity by the dance floor.…
ELMCIP Twitter Stream (13-17 June, 2011)
2 min read
I realise that things have been a little quiet on this blog recently. I blame the onset of a fair-to-middling Swedish summer, which has encouraged me to get out of the office slightly more often than usual (not to mention the fact that the entire campus here in Karlskrona seems to have shut down over…
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First published in my chapbook Övergången in 2011 and republished online in Jacket2 in 2012. Read in Swedish.
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This sound, that stinks of dirty sneakers (never boots, they’re meant for da smeris speaks of djungel, uprooted flowerpots (never flares, maybe strobelight analysis strewn across the asfalt like the remains (not the actual remains, mind, but echoes of tribal war, racial war – bloooood! Yeah, (not just like Junior Reid, more an actual song…
Coming soon to K-Town!
1 min read
Things have taken a turn for the untold here in Karlskrona, with today’s unveiling by Talan ‘Mad Skillz’ Memmott of a poster advertising the upcoming Cabaret Voltage event. Scheduled to rock the Scandinavian e-lit scene in a manner not witnessed since the last Icelandic ash cloud, Cabaret Voltage will be the final event in a…
Engelska | Nederländska | Svenska
1 min read
cookie kiss good piss bra cheek thanks child smart never sugar cat guy always also everyone breakfast sweetie fast new please or bye life day and train no yes sluice sale koekje kus goed plas beha wang bedankt kind slim nooit suiker kat vent altijd ook allemaal ontbijt liefert snel nieuw alstublieft of doei leven…
Call for Works for ELMCIP Anthology
2 min read
Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice (ELMCIP), a collaborative research project funded by the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) JRP for Creativity and Innovation, seeks submissions of electronic literature from European writers and practitioners for its upcoming anthology. The editors of the anthology – namely Maria Engberg, Talan…
One sign in Karlskrona that speaks for itself
0 min read
The Loneliest Hovercraft in the World
0 min read