Tag: whitman
Blackbox Manifold
1 min read
I’m really pleased to say that three works from my Leaves of Glass MS – namely, ‘Cute’, ‘Rivet’ and ‘Swagman Ted’ – have found an electronic home in UK-based online journal Blackbox Manifold. I’ve almost lost count of how many of these Whitman (left) vs O’Dowd poems have now been published, but I’m starting to…
New poems in Jacket!
2 min read
Leaves of Glass finds a home, of sorts, in [a] Jacket.
VWC, Kurungabaa, Southerly (IWD)
4 min read
Things have been pretty quiet
Gowayz ob LOL: Iz In Ur Bodeh xtrc,
1 min read
1. Iz in ur bodeh xtrc, Teh rms ob dey iz luvs purr meh. Iz w00t an iz purr dey, Dey not want! meh purr till iz go wif dey, respawnd dey, An puur dey, an den WTF dey ful wif teh LOL ob teh sowl. Iz not want dawted dat fose iz kurupt feir…
Unfinished Draft (1)
4 min read
We had an important event at our place on the 13th ult. -our first little one. We are going to call him Eric Whitman. —Bernard O’Dowd, writing to Walt Whitman (1890)
W00t Wiitmeh: “To ah Commawn Pron”
2 min read
B ceiling cat – b at eez wif meh – Iz r W00t Wiitmeh, libaral az lusteh Naychar; Not want till teh sun xclusd yu, do I xclusds yu; Not want till teh watars refewez rutsl can haz yu, an teh gowayz rutsl fur can haz yu, do meh Werdz Rutsl glstn an rutsl fur…
Gowayz ob LOL: Sawng ob Meh (O Hai!)
1 min read
An Ceiling Cat sayed, im in ur waterz makin a ceiling. LOLCats Bible, Genesis 1:6 1. O hai iz cebrayt meh, b in ur meh, An wut I as00m yu shal as00m, Fur iz atomm belons meh as srly belons yu. K. Iz loef an nvyt meh sowl, Iz leen an loef at meh eez…
Jethro’s Whitman Cabinet
3 min read
” … a cabinet was specially made. O’Dowd’s wife Evangeline had an uncle, Jethro Fryer, a carpenter who took on this task. SANDRA BURT i hammer nails & saw wood (to make his house of whitman his shadow cabinet not a coffin so much as a grave of words a grove within which they sit…
2 min read
“… the cute and loving appreciation of my book and me by them in Australia has gone right to my heart.” —Walt Whitman, writing to Bernard O’Dowd This poem was first published online in Blackbox Manifold (UK) and later in print in Best Australian Poems (Black Inc, 2011). Läs på svenska.
The First Letter
2 min read
I am not going to praise your poetry to you B. O’D. BUT! you make the leaves & the grasses speak for themselves! great scald of demos i am yours! master bending down to meh! like a tree of man your mighty river flows through days your poems like a dripping tap & i a…
2 min read
This poem first appeared in Overland (2008) and was anthologized in Thirty Australian Poets (UQP, 2011).
Words From the Master
2 min read
Revered master Dear Walt, my beloved master, my friend, my bard my prophet and apostle – Dear Bernard My dear master! Your good, long varied and loving letter came yesterday and has been welcome and nourishing to meh. My dear master! I cannot reply properly, we have been treading air since Dear Bernard O’Dowd (and…
Greetings To Whitman
1 min read
revered master dear walt, my beloved master, my friend, my bard my prophet and apostle my dear master my dear master my dear master my dear master and (may I say?) comrade my dear master my dear master B. O’D.
O’Dowd Seeks Whitman
1 min read
I am 24, red hair, plain features, and a little too backward for my own good. B. O’D. 24yo dawn-red hair western districts oz poet seeks 80ish NS/SD amerikan dusky-grey hair ex-civil war nurse poet for inter-continental correspondences & hero worship – must heart ozpo philo/sci-fi &/or long walks on beach FYI both parents RC…
Gowayz ob LOL: “O Kitteh! Meh Kitteh!”
2 min read
“Similarly, poetry (e.g. the Psalms) can be written in such a way that it looks like a cat wrote it.” —LOLCat Bible Translation Project