“who to follow”

who to follow >>>> what to despise
what to wear >>>> when to wear it 
when to ask >>>> where to ask it
where to buy >>>> 'n' who to care?

how to follow >>>> why to cringe
why to cry >>>> who to sneeze at
who to kill >>>> what to do it with 
what to bring >>>> 'n' when to bring it?

when to die >>>> where to do it
where to dress >>>> how to care
how to suck >>>> why to paste it
why to lie >>>> 'n' who to spit on?

who to shoot >>>> what to forget
what to pout >>>> when to evacuate
when to shiver >>>> where to radiate
where to sing >>>> 'n' how to dance?

how to levitate >>>> why to 'k'
why to lead >>>> (cf. "who to follow" ...