Kim Hyesoon: Woman-animal-Asia
1 min read
Still probably the most extraordinary piece of writing I’ve ever read.
Les Fauves: “Marijuana is God’s Currency”
4 min read
“Marijuana Is God’s Currency” hints at an alternative history of the Fauves, in which the band broke up after the failure of The Young Need Discipline.
Les Fauves: “Dogs Are the Best People” Hater
3 min read
By 1996 the Fauves had finally become huge in the eyes and ears of the general listening public.
New year, new theme: Anders Norén does it again
2 min read
Well, my experiment in looking back to the future lasted just two months. The problem was simple: Anders Norén’s Hoffman WordPress theme is now too old to function properly in the WP ecosystem. A bit like me, perhaps.
Les Fauves: “Everybody’s Getting a 3-piece Together”
4 min read
“Everybody’s Getting a 3-piece Together” sums up a playful side of the Fauves’ music that was strangely absent from their recorded outputs at the time.
Best of Australian Poems 2024
3 min read
My poem “Terminal 1: Aer Lingus” has been selected to appear in the just-published Best of Australian Poems 2024 (Puncher and Wattmann/Australian Poetry), edited by Kate Lilley and Shastra Deo.
You click on the link to the publication page and move, without hesitation, into the second person. Somewhere offstage, a gear shifts. Oil lubricates. Your mouse finger follows its heart, caressing the pixels of virtual space, in search of an anchor. The metaphors pile up. Your session time now exceeds the average for the part…
Back to the Future: Anders Norén’s Hoffman Theme
3 min read
Of course, it could never last. But the fact that I almost made it through a whole year before changing my WordPress theme gives me some comfort.
Gerald Murnane on not succeeding at meditation
2 min read
While I was still a young man, it became fashionable among some of my contemporaries to practice what they called meditation and to read books about a variety of subjects that might have been called collectively Eastern spirituality. I could never have brought myself to read any of that sort of book, but I was…
My (northern) summer reads for 2024
9 min read
One of the first things I do whenever I move to a new place (trust me, I’ve lived in enough cities, towns and villages to know what I’m talking about here) is to visit — and join — the local library. There’s something comforting and consistent about libraries the world over that grounds me. Growing…
The media frenzy in the lead-up to the announcement of the Nobel Prize in Literature each year, with groundless speculation on likely winners accompanied by breathless reporting of bookies’ odds, unconsciously skewers the practices of the “literary elite”: a fictional apparatus that only serves the purposes of those who do not read or write. The…
Anthologised and reprised: “Jetlag World”
3 min read
The last time a poem of mine appeared in a journal was back in 2013. But in the intervening years, the dim flame of my poetic muse has been sustained by the appearance of some of my published poems in a number of anthologies. Suddenly, these old poems have a new agency. They just “hit…
(Substack) Origin Stories
4 min read
“Enter the Dreamnation!”
After two years in Paris working for the International Transport Forum at the OECD, my family and I recently moved to a small village in the province of Fryslân in the Netherlands. The contrast between one of the world’s biggest urban agglomerations and our tiny village of 200 is obvious. But I wasn’t prepared for…