Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice (ELMCIP), a collaborative research project funded by the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) JRP for Creativity and Innovation, seeks submissions of electronic literature from European writers and practitioners for its upcoming anthology. The editors of the anthology – namely Maria Engberg, Talan Memmott and myself – are looking for innovative literary works by European authors that take advantage of digital media and computation.
Submissions will be accepted from April 12 to September 30, 2011.
ELMCIP involves seven European academic research partners and one non-academic partner investigating how transnational and transcultural creative communities of practitioners form within global and distributed communication environments. Focusing on the electronic-literature community in Europe as a model of networked creativity and innovation in practice, ELMCIP intends both to study the formation and interactions of that community and to further electronic literature research and practice in Europe.
The anthology will provide a sample of Europe’s diverse electronic-literature practices. It will include around thirty works along with teaching materials from educators interested in electronic-literary practices. The anthology will be published online and on a cross-platform DVD.
All content will be offered under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivs 3.0 License allowing the disc to be installed, duplicated, and shared by individuals, libraries, and educational institutions. The intent is to provide educators, students and the general public with a free curricular resource containing a variety of examples of electronic literary works.
Full details, including information on how to submit works to the anthology, can be found on the ELMCIP website.
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