Here comes the judge

For the first time ever, I’ve been asked to be a judge for a short story competition.

The competition, organised by the City of Boroondara, features three categories: Open Short Story (judge Paddy O’Reilly), Young Writers Poetry (judge Bulk Ace) and Young Writers Prose (judge, yours truly).


Here’s hoping we get lots of good entries, and a minimum of fantasy writers. I clearly remember my own years as a young scribe, writing endless stories involving swords, scabbards, trumpets, duels and lords.

JRR Tolkien, you’ve got a lot to answer for.

Oh, and that also includes you, Anne McCaffery.

Yeah, John Marsden, you too.

3 responses

  1. Sean M Whelan avatar

    Oh oh! I got a story for ya!
    It’s about this wizard right. Well, not a real wizard, he’s just a kid really but he wants to be a wizard, he wants it really bad. His name is Ralph and he works nights at a 7-Eleven, saving up all his money so he can go to Hogwash Community College for Wizards and/or Charlatans. While working nights he befriends a packet of 3 minute noodles. The packet of noodles or Noody, as he’s known to his friends also has a dream, he wants to become a male model and to make it big in Neu York Clitty. One night Ralph and Noody are told by the evil 7-Eleven owner that they have to stay up all night and do stocktake. While reading out the numbers of slurpee straws in stock Ralph accidentally reads out a magical mathematical formula that instantly transports both of them to the fabulous land of Neu York Clitty!
    So! What do you think? There’s still a few more chapters I have to write but you get the general idea. Here’s an idea, why don’t you just write me a cheque now and save us all some time.

  2. David Prater avatar

    Dear Sean,

    your story sounds interesting – I’m sure if you could stretch it out to about 1500 words you might be in the running for the junior prize, or at least some kind of certificate of encouragement. Best of luck with your “writing”.


  3. Bob Bunyip avatar

    I know it’s wicked, but I just can’t resist:

    !yttilC kroY ueN fo dnal suolubaf eht ot meht fo htob stropsnart yltnatsni taht alumrof lacitamehtam lacigam a tuo sdaer yllatnedicca hplaR kcots ni swarts eepruls fo srebmun eht tuo gnidaer elihW .ekatkcots od dna thgin lla pu yats ot evah yeht taht renwo nevelE-7 live eht yb dlot era ydooN dna hplaR thgin enO .yttilC kroY ueN ni gib ti ekam ot dna ledom elam a emoceb ot stnaw eh ,maerd a sah osla sdneirf sih ot nwonk s’eh sa ,ydooN ro seldoon fo tekcap ehT .seldoon etunim 3 fo tekcap a sdneirfeb eh sthgin gnikrow elihW .snatalrahC ro/dna sdraziW rof egelloC ytinummoC hsawgoH ot og nac eh os yenom sih lla pu gnivas ,nevelE-7 a ta sthgin skrow eh dna hplaR si eman siH .dab yllaer ti stnaw eh ,draziw a eb ot stnaw eh tub yllaer dik a tsuj s’eh ,draziw laer a ton ,lleW .thgir draziw siht tuoba s’tI
    !ay rof yrots a tog I !ho hO

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