And … that’s a wrap for the decade! This time 10 years ago the K&D Stylingz crew travelled for the first time to “breezy” Karlskrona in the Swedish province of Blekinge.
The entire country was blanketed in heavy snow and, as you can see from this picture, even the sea was frozen. For, like, a very long time.
Speaking of time, little did we know then that we’d still be in Sweden in 2020 with three kids, a mortgage and a serious kanelbulle addiction (not mine—the kanelbulle addiction, that is).
While we left the wilds of Blekinge for the wonders of magical Gustavsberg (the true capital of the Stockholm archipelago) long ago, this Christmas looks set to be devoid of snow altogether.
To make up for that, I have been deep in planning mode for a trifle and mince-pie-studded extravaganza of Oztraylian dessertual bodaciousness.
Stay tuned, and hold onto your crepe partay hats, you all evebahdee!
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