What would you say to the idea of receiving a brand-new, exclusive broadside from the Daveyverse in your inbox every week?
1 min read
silhouettes of moons rising boxcars are stencils the shape of projections made by performance poets who’ve never fallen in love wincing through their routines screaming call a doctor (a doctor’s haunted holiday home the leafless trees the free shots administered at dawn the freezing branches stacked with animals cries like a gurgling brook an owl…
0 min read
1 min read
Little grains of crazy sand fall in slow motion through the world’s gigantic hour glass, making snows seem electric & water all-powerful. Your silver wingtips slice the future skies & make my atmosphere go crazy, each little moment, each tiny hit. Last night I awoke to the sound of crazy winds strafing my lonely house,…
Judge’s Report from the Boroondara Literary Awards
5 min read
2006 BOROONDARA LITERARY AWARDS PRESENTATION RUNNING SHEET Hawthorn Town Hall Chandelier Room Thursday 16 November at 6.00pm for 6.30pm start 6.00pm VIPs, Speakers and guests arrive – refreshments available 6.28pm MC requests people to be seated and thanks musician from Eisteddfod 6.30pm Welcome by the Mayor 5 mins 6.35pm MC gives opening “warm up” piece…
Great Moments In the Modern History of the Handclap
5 min read
One cloudy day last August, at the Rock En Seine music festival in Paris, me and Kat were lucky enough to see one of my favourite bands, Broken Social Scene, perform to a rapturous crowd in the rain (see the pics here). While we missed the band’s opening numbers, a surge of excitement pulsed through…
Would you believe, three more signs that … etc
0 min read
Possible snow on the nearby hills
1 min read
rivers roads borders & towns overturn regimes impose your own! take me before you take him (say light up that disease & crush those feeble ants! he’s crazy they whispered true to the end he keeps on smiling & i just want to eat! myself or throw them off the scent that might do it!…
Stars In His Heart
1 min read
he was the star that floated in water, lacking space (& she was an astronomer in hawaii, or in lower case (she’s the satellite’s document of a dreamy eclipse (he’s like a word once lost, now formed by her lips (when she says goodbye & oh! that word all the stars go out (& it…
1 min read
He was a jealous husband without a wife. I needed security and he gave me bullets to rain down upon those discreet affairs (which came, and passed. We settled in to our familiar routine: me with my cat and he out stalking prey. At night he’d return with greenbacks in his ochre eye, demanding fidelity,…
Ik Ben Verpleegster
0 min read
1 min read
I’ve gone through most of my life thinking my name is fairly weird—not my first name, my surname, der—and that the chances of anyone else having it are slim. That was until I found out that one half of legendary soul duo Sam and Dave was also named David Prater (he died in 1998) and…
Drie Honderd Vijfenzestig Kussen
4 min read
Nul kussen. What a nightmare, and what a way to wake up. The anti-kussen machines bleat like soft alarms, tiringly monotonous, just sitting there, doing nothing. In denial, or simply incapable of action. What use does the world have for such machines? I’d rather run a marathon. And so I kissed you secretly, on your…
My Hero
0 min read
1 min read
One day I’ll delete all of my passwords, all those hard to remember combinations of numbers and letters, and replace them with various names I’ve made up for you. That way, I’ll never forget my passwords again, and every time I type one of them in I’ll think of you, or at least one of…
De Kraai en het Paard
1 min read
I am the crow! Sitting on the horse’s head! Listen to me, bloated fields! Hark, ye old windmills and lanes! I’m a children’s story book! Hey, black wings! Scary rainbow oils! I am the snow! Waiting for the sun to die! Stomping through their lonely hoofprints! Running off like steam at the mouth! Let’s eradicate…