What would you say to the idea of receiving a brand-new, exclusive broadside from the Daveyverse in your inbox every week?
Delete Forever
1 min read
go on uh huh hit delete nah nah go on do it hit the button waha hit delete hit delete make like babyshambles pete hit yer headz then be dead hit delete forever pete make believe uh huh uh huh go on & do it delete forevers & still be clever as pete deletes his…
imaginary cities: rau —
2 min read
There was a trumpet somewhere but it was tarnished and could only play the theme from F-Troop. There was a drum but it got broken when someone I once knew drove a fork through it, just for something to do. There was a guitar but three of its strings were missing and noone took me…
Happy Birthday Ziggy!
1 min read
Oooooooooooooooooooooooo Ziggy Ziggy! He’s just a wee one he’s not a biggy! He’s not a tree no he’s just a twiggy! Oooooooooooooooooooooooo Ziggy Ziggy! Oooooooooooooooooooooooo Ziggy Ziggy! Don’t ever start on those evil ciggies! Eat too much you’ll turn into a piggy! Oooooooooooooooooooooooo Ziggy Ziggy! Oooooooooooooooooooooooo Ziggy Ziggy! You’ll be a truck driver in your…
Snow Grocer
1 min read
like Sun Ra soaking up a cosmos snow grocer sits there with his white gloves & laughs every time i try to guess what he’s saying e.g. how much to pay for makkoli & then one day he says eh, tonight— snow! as if he knows what i am thinking: how these skies look pregnant…
First Snow!
0 min read
Eye amm, yew aaar, wee aar Oztraylia!
3 min read
I have a couple of poems coming out this week. One’s in the understated and unpretentious Tasmanian literary bi-annual Famous Reporter, and it’s entitled “There’s A Wild Jack Russell In the Moon”. I’m really happy that this poem has found a home (and in case you haven’t noticed by now, I am obsessed with the…
imaginary cities: rapa —
3 min read
That vision of you standing in the snow was my secret talisman, a lucky charm to ward off bad weather, frosted lips and crunch hips. This time, dumbstruck by seasonal variations, I’m moving slowly along a gigantic wedge, following my own reversed footprints in the hope of getting home before dark. That monkey, sitting on…
More signs that speak for themselves
0 min read
imaginary cities: preda —
3 min read
Alligators crawl through the slippered streets, punctuating the monks’ marches for alms. Bathed in a tropical punch glow, the women wash green vegetables in the shallows by the wharf. Cradled in her mother’s arms, a moon baby peeks out from her blanket of snow with cinnamon eyes. Deaf boys run shouting through the markets, each…
imaginary cities: preco —
3 min read
It’s just been built but already you can see the tyre-marks on the roundabouts, the skidding tales of midnight smashes and the crumbs of shattered glass. City without a history, merely a pamphlet, that used to be handed out at the now-closed tourist information centre. The letters of its name have been stickered crookedly onto…
Almost Snow
2 min read
This morning I was walking down to Jongno-gil in downtown Seoul to buy a ham, cheese and egg toasted sandwich thinking “Gees, it’s cold!” when all of a sudden, it started to snow! Well, it was more like miniature specks of ice but how fitting, on the first day of winter, for the rain to…
1 min read
“One of the thirty six or seven greatest writers alive today aged between thirty three and thirty four.” “This book made me late for work again today.” “I have read this book.” “One of the six or seven must-reads that I have been forced to read this year.” “Can you please buy some milk on…
Masigo jookja!
1 min read
You know you want to. Look at me: I want to. Look at everyone else: they want to. You want to. Stay. Masigo jookja! Do you know what happens to yesterdays? Do they turn into tomorrows? Who cares, your glass is empty. Masigo jookja! I’m seeing lots of purple and strawberry colours. Is this bad?…
1 min read
*across the breeze/ birds fly/ foam in their beaks/ silver wings/ radar traces/ trans/ lateral/ trans/ am/ take me away/ silver bird/ foam in your beak/ across the breeze/ trans/…
imaginary cities: opa —
5 min read
Once upon a time there was a piece of paper through which the words printed on the other side could not be seen, a piece of paper so thick it might have been made of wood. Twice upon a time there was a transparent screen through which one could see the other side of the…