Tag: Bernard O’Dowd
Bernard O’Dowd: rewriting the colonial wizard of Oz
6 min read
What happens when you cross a rhyming sonnet (written on the eve of the federation of Australia) with a 21st-century, post-avant sensibility?
Leaves of Glass: it’s real!
3 min read
Seven years in the making. Trans-continental in its composition. Green as a blade of grass in its wrapping. Leaves of Glass is real.
Smokin’ Leaves of Glass!
1 min read
I’m really glad to announce that my second full-length poetry collection, Leaves of Glass, will soon be released by smokin’ Sydney-based publisher Puncher and Wattmann. Long-term readers of this site would know that said collection has taken a few years to finalise but the wait has surely been worth it. The book, which was inspired…
3 min read
Översättning: Linda Bönström och Boel Schenlaer. Läs på engelska.
“Secret Lives of the Colonial Poets”
3 min read
Secret Lives of the Colonial Poets was the original title of the collection of poems that was later published as Leaves of Glass in 2013.
O’Dowd Zero
2 min read
This is the first draft of ‘The First Letter’, a poem which later appeared in Leaves of Glass.