Tag: POD
covers: poems by nick whittock
1 min read
covers: poems by nick whittock (Cordite On Demand, 2004) COD’s second book, by cricket tragic and librarian Nick Whittock, was a lot of fun to make. Nick wanted the book to be shaped like the old Footrot Flats comics. Once we got this in our minds, everything else flowed naturally and what you get for…
OI: poewemz bii tom see
2 min read
OI: poewemz bii tom see (Cordite On Demand, 2004) Earlier this year, deciding that my life wasn’t nearly as busy as it could be, I set up an imprint for Cordite Press, known as COD, or Cordite On Demand. Its aims were pretty ambitious – basically a complete shake-up of the Australian publishing industry. While…