Author: Davey Dreamnation

  • Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice (ELMCIP), a collaborative research project funded by the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) JRP for Creativity and Innovation, seeks submissions of electronic literature from European writers and practitioners for its upcoming anthology. The editors of the anthology – namely Maria Engberg, Talan…

  • KA127, your work here is done. Take a load off.

  • The first professor I saw, was in a very large room, with forty pupils about him. After salutation, observing me to look earnestly upon a frame, which took up the greatest part of both the length and breadth of the room, he said, “Perhaps I might wonder to see him employed in a project for…

  • Cordite Poetry Review No. 35.0: Oz-Ko (Hoju-Hanguk) Poetry editor: David Prater Released: 1 April 2011 Cover image: Ivy Alvarez Pandora archive (NLA)

  • In the ideal world, all writers would have a Catholic childhood, or belong to some other religion which does the equivalent for you. Because Catholicism tells you at a very early age the world is not what you see; that beyond everything you see, and the appearance – or the accidents as they’re known –…

  • Tired of the amount of emotional energy you’re expending on participating in or following pointless arguments on Teh Intranetz? Then maybe a chatterbot such as BlogWarBot may be of help. It’s been a long time since I last engaged with one of these clever little scripts, but I think it’s safe to say the amount…

  • I “Morten, who was not so good to English, wore oversized glasses that made his face look crooked, as if he had been punched, on a train, by some thug from Århus. We corresponded only very briefly, when we were both in primary school, but yesterday I felt his presence in the capital, København, like…

  • who to follow >>>> what to despise what to wear >>>> when to wear it when to ask >>>> where to ask it where to buy >>>> ‘n’ who to care? how to follow >>>> why to cringe why to cry >>>> who to sneeze at who to kill >>>> what to do it with…

  • I find that my students are often much more able than I am to move easily between print and electronic media and to see the value in each. Remember that I am very much a creature of print culture and so always an alien to even the revolution in which I play a part. Like…

  • I’m really pleased to say that three works from my Leaves of Glass MS – namely, ‘Cute’, ‘Rivet’ and ‘Swagman Ted’ – have found an electronic home in UK-based online journal Blackbox Manifold. I’ve almost lost count of how many of these Whitman (left) vs O’Dowd poems have now been published, but I’m starting to…

  • It’s been a long time since I perused the pages of Viz, that slightly juvenile and yet deeply funny British comic series complete with the usual assortment of puerile characters (including Scooter Dolphin Boy, Sid the Sexist and – perhaps more pertinently here – Finbarr Saunders and His Amazing Double Entendres). Since arriving in Karlskrona…

  • In celebration of International Women’s Day, here’s some Youtube gold from some of my favourite women musical artists from the late 1980s and early 1990s. First up, Bilinda Butcher sings My Bloody Valentine‘s certified indie-dance crossover shredder, ‘Soon’.