Author: Davey Dreamnation

  • I’ll be channelling Dickens (or maybe just Bill Murray in Scrooged) on Tuesday 2 December, when I’ll be appearing at a London fundraising event described as ‘8 Poets in 80 minutes’. Of course, if this were a haiku gathering, that tag line would read something more along the lines of ’80 Poets in 8 minutes’…

  • It’s hard to believe that I’ve been in the Netherlands for seven months now – it seems like only yesterday I was sitting in the Lambs Go Bar drinking tequila shots and then attempting to say goodbye to all of my friends in Oz. And yet here I am, with very little to show for…

  • Time Out has just started an Amsterdam-based monthly magazine and I’m happy to say I’ve got a story in the classical music section of their second issue, due out in November! The magazine’s website is pretty empty at the moment but it does feature one interesting video, a series of vox pops with residents of…

  • I read this book while travelling first class on a train from Stockholm to Gavle in Sweden last month but that’s another story. At seventy-odd pages, When You Bit (OTOLITHS, 2008) is a good hour’s read, if you pace yourself properly.

  • It’s been a long time coming, but copies of my debut poetry collection We Will Disappear have finally landed on these nether shores. Over the fold I’ve posted some pics of the box and its contents. Yays.

  • I thought that our unique geographic identity would be taken as exotic and therefore: enticing. That wasn’t the case. A review on our first tour in Vienna was entitled: ‘Vom ende der Welt aber gut’ – from the end of the world but good. We also played in Oxford on that trip and a group…

  • It tickles me pink to announce that MULLOWAY, Cordite’s tribute to the poetry of Robert Adamson, is now online! Join our guest editor Greg McLaren as he navigates the river of Adamson’s poetry, with new work by John Tranter, Kate Fagan, joanne burns, Stuart Cooke, Adam Aitken, Adrian Wiggins, James Stuart and the mysterious Albert…

  • Here’s an interesting post by Laurie Duggan on the wall of sound, where he makes the point that the vocal track on My Bloody Valentine’s song ‘Come In Alone’ works because of the wall of sound surrounding it. While I think this is true, a closer inspection of the lyrics to these kinds of songs…

  • Check out this video, the second half of which features the K&D Den Haag Stylings appartement!! Unfortunately, BBQ and back yard not included.

  • Lasers not shown.

  • I’ve been immersed in hi-tech today at PICNIC08, a huge design and innovation conference being held over 3 days at the Westerpark Gasfabriek in Amsterdam. Somehow I managed to get myself a press pass for the event, which plays host to a quite dazzling array of Web 2.0 gurus (already), corps, labs and testbeds and,…

  • Walking from het Plein to the Lange Voorhout: Prinsjesdag, Den Haag …

  • On Internet forums there appeared messages of a powerful explosion at an Australian nuclear power station located in the suburbs of Sydney. According to witnesses’ statements the explosion happened at about 3 pm on the 9th of September. In particular, one resident of this town has made a call and had time to inform her…

  • These two videos speak for themselves, I think. In any case, I cannot speak for them yet, as my Dutch is not very good at all. Nevertheless I trust that you are enjoying these little trips down Tubenesia Lane as much as I am. Continue.