Author: Davey Dreamnation
Jihad (Ultra Mild)
2 min read
i could murder a cigarette but i’ll hold off for now – the time is not right – & if i ignite here wow who knows what might go up with me there in the stratos, in the fear the wind-up bird that’s growing old constrained at every turn the signs to left & right…
Citadels & Crosses
1 min read
the parchment’s overgrown now & flies no longer buzz down by the hydro-electric facilities – the bus route’s open for business all along it twenty four hour cafes spring up like pillboxes some people speak of screams in the night houses on fire & some barely speak at all just a fingerbone or shattered skull…
If rumours were true …
2 min read
I’d have grown a beard by now. As it is, my bum fluff couldn’t polish a midget’s toenail. I’d be rolled in dough, baked for fourty minutes then served sliced, with an assortment of sauces and marinades. As it is, I’ve got a migraine and my catarrh gives even some record producers curry. I’d be…
The Hippocratic Oats: “Does”
2 min read
DNRC047 | 7″ | 2004
Mit Gas!
1 min read
could you be flirting with me (tiny periwinkle of a trip-hop soundtrack? was that a smile (pretty vacuous air bubble at the bottom of this glass? come here slide down my throat (abstract freckle of a thirst quencher hobo of the backwash past (reboot the soda stream of our invisible passions (poet of the cafe…
The Two Faces of Zlatyu Boyadziev
1 min read
(1) crystal: dignitary portraits his men clean-shaven the women stern children on sleds if you remember rightly panoramas of coal mine towns silly dogs chins pointing to the future the sun – gold haloes spirits with whiskers windowframes … (2) crumpled: just out of bed or home from a long night of drinking all traces…
Death In Dubrovnik
1 min read
you dispense with direct emotion/ experience & become the second person the observer – it’s safer here you see & as for your reader well she’s gone her own way she’ll meet you later in the old town – for now be content to sit & watch as tourists wait impatiently for their boat to…
Subterrannean Yellowcake Alien
1 min read
we landed emus on the moon & fed them cake until they glowed we could see them from space – maralinga, woomera’s satellite dishes grew absurd corruptions our original superpower dreams [hiroshima moruroa maralinga] a future where girls worry their bikini lines into shape formations of crystals metamorphose into undersea microphones in stereo & we…
Stari Most
1 min read
in a scene from the cassandra crossing pitch black serbian night gives way to the acetylene of factories tunnels & dams ringed by lights blazing passports waving (facsimiles of concrete aqueducts soldered bridges inch over ravines & the night mists are pumped from some arcane machines we followed the blue line of the bosniak river…
1 min read
who will give colour to joe sacco’s black & white cartoons of goražde safe haven – & who will go there is it needed are the people safe? when will the mist shrouds on the mountains give up their secrets these criminals those war dead & weary – which daughters sons? how are we to…
Fast Flowing Rivers
1 min read
symbolic of our electrical impulse simple swift & filled with dreams fast flowing rivers sweep away all these tedious fears & expectations & dump them at a delta somewhere marry them with saltwater tears then disappear forever rivers flood the villages irrigate graves flash like camera bulbs as in the olden days catch our passing…
Infa Riot
1 min read
here the stencil art seems more restrained or better placed (my favourite so far a do the right thing image: chuck swastikas in the bin but then there’s the rifles silhouetted soldier slogans like ‘make your own world’ these meanings are clear: & all for a spray can or stains graffiti’s private symbols i’m in…
It’s a mountain
1 min read
all the world’s a beograd restaurant & everybody’s smoking there before & during after dinner—no one stops to smell the air (which i guess is just as well it’s full of lead besides the noise) you’ve just got to write on through it trust that one day upon your return you’ll find a poem in…
Belgrade Wakes Up
1 min read
day broke inexorably over the sunshine cobbles over the old habsburg plaza over the electric trolley buses over the coffee grounds in the cup over the roma woman shooshed away over the music store over rat svetova over mikhail bulgakov; the russions are coming have come have gone (i negotiated briskly with the taxi driver…
Koala Strawberries
1 min read
For Keiji (again), I compose a few lines. It’s useless. Iíll never be a haiku writer. My destiny lies amid the Cyrillic paperbacks, apartment blocks & spines of books Iíll never read or pay to have published. If we are poets then cities are Koala Strawberries, rotting cherries in cardboard boxes. We’ll write poems on…