Author: Davey Dreamnation
Photos from Galway
0 min read
Photos from Bulgaria
0 min read
The Fashionistas: “Thumble”
2 min read
DNRC045 | LP | 2004
Pomes what I have wrote
1 min read
Here in Washington DC it’s muggy and my credit’s running out so this is peppy: check out some of me poems online here at nthposition. They’re entitled “in heaven itís always raining”, “why do you cry run lola run” and “when we were in the wild poems” – all of which may sound a bit…
Yo La Tengo
1 min read
ira caplan’s sonic squall rips new york’s fourth of july gulls from the captivities of silence like a chainsaw through a bough of glass or chalk on yesterday’s pavement; a soul possessed by demons determined to explode his body jerks with stock-market indices richter scale on jersey’s fretboard; blinding sounds erupt then ribbon out dangling…
Cordite #22: Editorial Intervention
1 min read
As the title suggests, Cordite 22: Editorial Intervention was devoted to editors. I solicited poetry and other works from over 20 Australian and international poetry editors. Cordite #22 is now online, featuring poems by poetry editors past and present, including Adrian Wiggins, Ali Alizadeh, alicia sometimes, Alison Croggan, Ban’ya Natsuishi and many more! I’ve even…
Notes Towards An Airpoet Novel (5)
1 min read
Clint Bo Dean and Enya de Burgh snuggled in the back of the cab on the way back out to the airport to hand in their badges and empty their lockers. Enron had been emphatic: there was no place in the Air Poets for closet Dan Brown lovers. ìYou know, if weíre lucky, we might…
Peachy Keen – “Can of Ham Sandwich”
2 min read
DNRC044 | LP | 2004
Notes Towards An Airpoet Novel (4)
2 min read
Sitting up now, Enya frowned at the complimentary issue of Stanzas on the bedside table, whose cover boasted: ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SONNETS! She turned and gazed at the other bunk across the room. The man staring back at her looked tousled and weary, though still pretty attractive. îYou need a vacation, Clint.î…
Experimental Travel
1 min read
Experimental Travel, written by Rachael Antony and JoÎl Henry, is as the title suggests all about experimental travel, whether it be spending a weekend blindfolded, travelling to K2 on the map or wearing a cow’s head. I’m lucky enough to have been a contributor to the book (which looks awesome, despite Lonely Planet’s decision not…
Notes Towards An Airpoet Novel (3)
5 min read
Clint Bo Dean drifted out of sleep, like a grand human idea approaching its fulfillment in an age of machines. A Minitel unit was twiddling in the husked gloom of his Hotel Formule 1 cubicle – a shining, chortling sound not unlike that of his own brain in neutral. He stumbled out of his bunk…
Korea …
1 min read
I’m off to Seoul, Korea in late August as an Asialink resident. You can check out my profile on the Asialink site. I’m hoping to set up a separate blog to document my time there. More on this soon.
Notes Towards An Airpoet Novel (2)
4 min read
AFTER HOSING DOWN their uniforms and supervising the hideous clean-up task, de Burgh and Bo Dean caught a cab back to the city for their de-briefing. It would have been easier to take one of their own cars back but as both were now in a long-term parking lot, it was easier to catch a…
Notes Towards An Airpoet Novel (1)
5 min read
CLINT BO DEAN ran his finger along the zipper of the middle-aged woman’s travel bag. îLooks like you’ve got a lot of reading ahead of you, ma’am! Anything you can recommend in here?î The woman’s harried look gave Bo Dean pause; however he kept on with his goofish routine, in the hope that she’d save…
Bad Liquorice: “You Give Louvre A Bad Meme”
2 min read
DNRC043 | LP | 2004