Author: Davey Dreamnation
1 min read
Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that there are ten secrets to good poetry. That person is more likely to be a salesperson than a poet. There are in fact eleven. Good poems resist time Language is a fluid Your idealised inner poetic space may be quite irrelevant in the end Even free verse…
1 min read
Dusk. The freeway’s haze; Green Australian gum trees Soak up the spectrum. Sparrows in the elms: Fans dressed for a football match Scale autumn’s ladder. Australian icon: Southern Cross windmill, rusted By the passing cars. Siamese cats scan The corrugated iron Roof for a sparrow. Old kiln-works chimney, You burn the earth into walls Made…
impossible socks
1 min read
socks from guernsey socks of bristol ariadnes thread is a whistle steam rising higher than bi-planes arc wool damp with mud-sweat wedged into every second parcel from home a rain of letters withers a day impossible stocks hatred dreaming socks stitches several strings a colour electric as a rag picker bundle stashed in moments before…
[d/dn]: it’s booty time
1 min read
Once again, Davey Dreamnation has confounded his critics by reaching the Number 1 spot on the lo-fi albums charts. That’s right, Davey’s sophomore album, Recognition Of Prior Learning has reached #1 for the second time. Davey wishes to thank Stung, Scaramouche and Quito for their efforts and support over the years. Read it and…
Pirate Patch
1 min read
so dont ever call me patch or i’ll never see my hand again call me uncle touch my patch but old dog bears the replica upon his kennel birds – no! hook-eyed & emerald pirates! don’t be squeamish you kids! with a blunderbuss fire away sanguine & intelligent patch will live 2 raid another day!…
sprawls of brick & steel
1 min read
stained mice flash baby teeth incisors warped like barbed wire aerial telemetry’s useless yet from the post-intellectual filmscape comes a hint of steel bayed blood & mile after mile of bricks & bayonet works detergent streams canals under streets meet the giant sprawl of the ocean’s packets arrive compresed in the anti-light of yesterday evening’s…
screensaver (brickmaze)
1 min read
finally the truth courtesy of windows a complimentary maze to hypnotise the frantic vietnamese providing us our lightning speed ADSL connection so as to send all of our banality home via AOL & thus avoiding the queues at the post office we are subsidising you so shut up & look at your screen saver instead…
come out fighting
1 min read
it’s an art form staying rich fight the power or just barter cyclo donations here press my trigger shoot me please i need it (& god knows i’m paying) instead of listening bicker amongst yourselves hotel room fights the locals wouldn’t care to see (viewing you & me as piggy banks) we’re levees against the…
1 min read
y2k plus three viet man i’ll never say it again packets unsprawled divers glide through schools of fish though none touch him it’s a miracle of chaos & control – neon blades an old lake’s hole marginal silent on great heights a pinstripe increases the speed the tourist’s unease the matrix unloaded unpacked a dead…
speed garage
1 min read
look back on wires guitars in anger they painted their own ruby jubilee shooting up three chords obliviously jet ski parts animated stripey tees a line a line a line a lines realign calling a verdant copse thalidomide smash hits mixed in boy band salads the sweats the threats the hot jets if musics not…
(to) tribesco
1 min read
exhume the hello: it’s time to go down to tribesco where your father knows the word for willow follows these slivers of improbable road lashes lampposts hold the sights & set them hourly daily wrongly platitudes & workers singalongs are ballast for a battered boat exhume the hello: it’s time to go down to tribesco…
tribesco krowe
1 min read
stencil this: a persistent drone tribesco krowe on a corrugated iron roof its passage staccato all along a gutter sparrows go an oily chimera of heavy flight & a radar pattern signals flat my diagrams uneasy eyes a cast silhouette on the dim graffiti momentary shadow of an uberlord steps across a skys grave send…
Cordite #20
1 min read
Get your flippers on, we?re going diving. Cordite #20 is a completely underwater issue: SUBMERGED! POETRY Starring snappy poets joanne burns, Pam Brown, nick whittock, Jen Tsen Kwok, Jane Gibian, Anna Jackson, Mark Pirie, Louise Oxley, Ouyang Yu and more. FEATURES James Stuart cuts loose with an investigation into visual poetry. Read his article in…
The Deep End National Poetry Slam
1 min read
ABC Radio National last night broadcast what it called the first ever National poetry slam in Australia, courtesy of the Deep End program and fellow-Proser charlotte sometimes. The program featured nine finalists from around Australia (including another Proser, KL) plus yours truly performing a “sacrificial lamb” role by reading out a poem before the contest…
“The Invention of Marzipan” published online
1 min read
For the past two years I’ve been studying towards a Master of Arts by Research (Thesis only) within the Department of English with Cultural Studies at the University of Melbourne. My thesis is a 30,000 word novella concerning the invention of Marzipan in a fictitious village (L-) in Germany in the 1400s. I’ve just been…