Author: David Prater
Anthologised and reprised: “Jetlag World”
3 min read
The last time a poem of mine appeared in a journal was back in 2013. But in the intervening years, the dim flame of my poetic muse has been sustained by the appearance of some of my published poems in a number of anthologies. Suddenly, these old poems have a new agency. They just “hit…
(Substack) Origin Stories
4 min read
“Enter the Dreamnation!”
After two years in Paris working for the International Transport Forum at the OECD, my family and I recently moved to a small village in the province of Fryslân in the Netherlands. The contrast between one of the world’s biggest urban agglomerations and our tiny village of 200 is obvious. But I wasn’t prepared for…
Site/life update: New directions …
2 min read
The older I get, the more sporadic these site updates become. My single reader will be relieved to know that this time around I’m not announcing a brand new WordPress theme. Although I admit that I recently began looking at alternatives to WordPress, including GitHub, before concluding that such an exercise would constitute an even…
Les Fauves: Dress Ups!
3 min read
Check out this podcast if you’re into early-1990s OzRock nostalgia!
Fauves are the best people!
3 min read
Check out this podcast if you’re into early-1990s OzRock nostalgia!
Blocksy WordPress theme
3 min read
Yet another [d/dn] incarnation just dropped, y’all!
Postscript: 10 days in Ireland
2 min read
Well, the roads all rose to greet me, and the days they turned on a pin.
염기도: Basicity
2 min read
A rewrite of ‘imaginary cities: basi—’, originally written in a PC Bang in Seoul during my Asialink residency in 2005.
It’s out there: ITF Transport Outlook 2023
2 min read
It’s out there! The 2023 edition of the ITF – International Transport Forum‘s Transport Outlook has just been launched at the ITF Summit in Leipzig! The Outlook is the ITF’s “flagship” publication, examining the impacts of different policy measures on 🌐 global transport demand and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the actions governments can take…
Preoccupations @ Petit Bain, Paris
13 min read
A story at the interface between Australian cricket and Canadian doom rock.
Koji WordPress theme
1 min read
Let’s see how long this all lasts …
Victor Garber blooper reel
3 min read
for alicia sometimes (as usual)
Hej då, Sverige
2 min read
As always, the end comes sooner than you think.
Things I will miss when I leave Sweden
1 min read
Skaka loss med Daidalos 4EVA