It’s out there! The 2023 edition of the ITF – International Transport Forum‘s Transport Outlook has just been launched at the ITF Summit in Leipzig!
The Outlook is the ITF’s “flagship” publication, examining the impacts of different policy measures on 🌐 global transport demand and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the actions governments can take now to decarbonise their transport sectors (spoiler alert: may involve 🚲 🛴 🚌 🚶♀️ 🚊 . . . ).

ITF Transport OUTLOOK 2023
The analysis in the report covers the movement of passengers and freight across all transport modes. A particular focus is placed on transport policies that make cities more liveable. A second focus is on infrastructure investment decisions and what different policy scenarios mean for them. As a third focus, the report explores regional differences in policy impacts.
The analysis is based on two distinct scenarios for the future of transport, simulated with the ITF’s in-house transport models.
The Current Ambition scenario assumes policies to decarbonise transport continue along their current pathway and considers the implications for transport demand, CO2 emissions and further aspects over the next three decades. The High Ambition scenario assumes policies focused on accelerating the decarbonisation of the transport sector and their impact.
I have to say this has been one of the most challenging reports I’ve ever had the pleasure of editing. As the Outlook is a “flagship” publication (not a term I’m fond of but sometimes you have to pick your battles), there’s naturally a lot of internal and external pressure to get it right.
The Outlook is also the only ITF report published using the OECD’s in-house content management system, meaning that we faced a number of technical challenges I won’t bore anyone with right now. Suffice it to say that the effort was worth it: the report is now available in print, as a PDF and in full-text HTML.
Massive congratulations to Orla Therese McCarthy, Josephine Macharia and the entire ITF team for putting the report together, and to Chris Wells FRSA for creating the wonderful cover image!
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