Tag: editing

My Cordite Top Eleven!

In this post, I look back on my years as Managing Editor of Cordite Poetry Review, and pick my top eleven choicest moments from what has been a thrilling, exhausting and ultimately life-affirming rollercoaster ride of love and passion.

Cordite–Prairie Schooner collaboration now online

Cordite–Prairie Schooner Fusion: Work (2012)

I’m very pleased to say that Work: A Cordite–Prairie Schooner Fusion is now online, and available for your cerebral delectation. But what is Prairie Schooner? And what do I mean by ‘co-feature’? And what the heck is ‘cerebral delectation’ anyway? Prairie Schooner is a Nebraska-based literary journal currently edited by Kwame Dawes. The Cordite-Prairie Schooner…

Stockholm Calling

Just like a Californian burrito maker, I've been preventing myself from spilling the beans by keeping them strictly under wraps (rim-shot!) but now seems as good a moment as any to announce that I will be moving to Stockholm. In ten days.