the turtle dips its right foot into the sea * the left foot of the turtle is a parking lot now * hyang il-am on the turtle's back sutras for Buddha * turtle hexagon my head also has five sides * who turns off the loudspeaker monk at night? * falling camellia leaf a one thousand won bill on my nose * 'godness' of mercy Amitabha Buddha sits on her crown * turtles are related to many things * a poem made of a thousand turtles * the future is sea mist i hope for a clear day * bballi bballi says the sodok-cha in a hurry to disappear * Buddha sneezes steam to ward off influenza * 'bless you' blinks the neon sign * i leave my bags at the inn carrying light wishes to Buddha * who needs a temple stay when everything is Buddha? * every day i grow old again * the sun will be there - there! tomorrow * sing your heart out invisible bird! * just me and the dragonflies
Turtles for Myron Lysenko
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I favour this one.
hey thanks GMT! How’s life in Melbourne town? Hope it’s warmer than Seoul – freezing!!
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