Category: Haiku
Every now and then
I write a haiku – this one
is about writing haiku
1 min read
haiku saucer in the sky moon rises over whitman tablecloth of stars whitman cold as white whitman cold as haiku whitman moon walt whitman as haiku moon haiku face of sky whitman rising over moon flying saucer stars
Renga with Ginka Biliarska
1 min read
In July last year I attended the World Haiku Association conference East Meets West in Sofia, Bulgaria. One of the organisers of the conference, Ginka Biliarska, who was kind enough to meet us at the airport and pay for our taxi into the city, had previously asked if I would like to do a little…
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two fluffy white buns filled with nothing but hot air ah, spring in beijing!†
1 min read
outside my window a hundred games of mah-jonng spring rain in shanghai
haiku: [enjambement]
1 min read
enjambement breaks into sunshine like a dog upon a pond reflections collide in the state forests full of green ukrainians built a big square pool a private lesiure centre up past anglesea beware the great ocean roads corrugation wonder tyres love the earths drains some shattered morning a koala a chainsaw australian dreams of horizontal…
1 min read
Dusk. The freeway’s haze; Green Australian gum trees Soak up the spectrum. Sparrows in the elms: Fans dressed for a football match Scale autumn’s ladder. Australian icon: Southern Cross windmill, rusted By the passing cars. Siamese cats scan The corrugated iron Roof for a sparrow. Old kiln-works chimney, You burn the earth into walls Made…
2 min read
A few months ago I was asked to be part of a renga with Keiji Minato (a Kyoto-based poet whom I had the great pleasure to meet last year) and another Japanese poet named Hiroshi. We wrote ku in turns, with Keiji translating between Hiroshi and myself. Here’s what we wrote. The letters in brackets…
Vietnam Haiku
1 min read
ho chi minh city motorcycle touts in wait around the corner hello where you from give me all your aussie coins for my collection non-touristique trek departing soon or later same same but different yesterday’s papers in the streets of vietnam matthew hayden’s runs satellite tv in nha trang it’s not working in hoi an,…