Category: Poems

As of October 2011, I’d posted over three hundred poems on this site, including many sonnets and search poems, as well as numerous poems that didn’t make it into chapbooks such as Abendland and Morgenland. I then ceased posting poems here, choosing instead to distribute them via my poem of the week newsletter. Then I stopped doing that too. Every now and then I post a poem here … but not as often as I’d like.

Black G.S.T.

__% of childhood. __% of country. __% of memory. __% of hope. __% of laughter lines. __% of dots. __% of uranium, bauxite and aluminium. __% of cowboys. __% of dance. __% of saltwater crocodiles. __% of totems. __% of Canberra. __% of your head. __% of Charles Darwin. __% of protectors. __% of peppercorn…

Storm Girl

as soon as she kissed me the storm front wheeled around (& something in the way her eyeshadow ran signalled the changing of the big new year tides the fishermen had warned us of down on the beach where her pet dog ran wild & her hand in my hair from here to eternity (the…


you realise this message is for you now – entering this bright blue now for the first time – the thirst for word from an emergency (not a word† you wanted to hear – it strikes you now as surreal – this imperfect now for everything’s summer – it’s for word & a page ignited…

Bird Rain

bird rain from the hard steel sky no mercies! †no juggernaut rides whip roofs off the honey ††powered winds jacked western highways blinds †††radio reports looping abstract delays shutter ††††whirr powers fail electricity rains down hail †††††bird lightning in its wings sonar burns one ††††††staccato bullet trained in space collides with †††††††tree flower crooked bolts…

Teen Movie

I. What I was thinking is not important. I will pass my mid-term examination, Or fail it just to be with him. He has a car and respects me. I love his new Haircut. The other girls, what do they matter? All I know is all of him. We’re Crazy to be this way. I’d…

1001 Nights

loading sheherezade into a humvee for her next press briefing bricks & shattered glass at her feet we stop off at the px for space food sticks this has been going on now for more than a thousand days all the quaint denials deferrals & cryptic demands wrapped up in one tress of her hair…

Delete Forever

go on uh huh hit delete nah nah go on do it hit the button waha hit delete hit delete make like babyshambles pete hit yer headz then be dead hit delete forever pete make believe uh huh uh huh go on & do it delete forevers & still be clever as pete deletes his…

Your Century

The year 1905 began on a Sunday. If you had been born In Korea you would already have been one year old then. Instead you chose Australia as your entry point into life, Just weeks before the founding of Sinn Fein in Ireland – Surely these things are connected. This is your century: The following…

More poems (online and anthologised) …

I’ve just had two poems published on a US-based blog called PFS Post. They’re called “Dying On The Vine(s)” and “Eight Miles High”. You can view em here. I’ve also got two poems, entitled “Avalon V” and “Inna” in the forthcoming Future Welcome: Moosehead Anthology X, edited by Todd Swift and published by DC Books…