Category: Sonnets (page 8 of 8)

Who said sonnets were cool? And who said a poem that’s fourteen lines long is a sonnet? I’m not sure, but I hope nobody notices how amateur these ones are.


do monkeys eat bananas with their tails
or is that just another urban myth? & if
they had computer access don’t you think
they’d use that tail to move the mouse -†

or is that just another red bandanna gag?
& if they could send us emails (what do
you think they’d tell? writing from some
rotemburo outside beppu (refreshed after

a long day of tail-walking maybe robed &
long-legged (capable of sailing boats as
well or so we’re told by some old woman
selling bags of peanuts by an oily shore

the seagulls have all stopped coming now
& monkeys don’t go swimming anymore


like a murder suicide yesterday’s tiffs
became today’s shower of glacial regret
hit on the head by super large moriapo*†

left winded bruised & read-dead on our
set-list stories of lost orders events
tragedies that come in threes like the

drinks the straws (deadly for dolphins
the lipstick trace a circular argument
nobody heard a thing (or suspected yet

there it is: an empty office & a drill
draw your conclusions or bite your lip
sure of what you’re about to say (next

thing you know there’s a glass in your
hand & tears beside the water fountain

*trans: hangover (Korean)


the hotel bedsprings creak with
her free rhythm haiku – it is
morning it is night this weekend
in sofia thousands of people

are making love wearing out
the beds the floors the sheets
the sounds of lovers penetrate
thick walls like doof doof or

the ocean though not so soft
as that her voice grows with
tsunami passion wires da da –
oh now she has fallen off the

bed (i look across you’re asleep
sounds melt in the†metropolis