Get your flippers on, we?re going diving. Cordite #20 is a completely underwater issue: SUBMERGED!
Starring snappy poets joanne burns, Pam Brown, nick whittock, Jen Tsen Kwok, Jane Gibian, Anna Jackson, Mark Pirie, Louise Oxley, Ouyang Yu and more.
James Stuart cuts loose with an investigation into visual poetry. Read his article in PDF format, featuring images from ?Words and Things? (Patrick Jones, ed). Trivikrama Kumari Jamwal expounds upon the unlikely but fascinating prospect of running into Judith Wright in Jammu, India. Michael Farrell and Will Day respond separately to a performance of Richard Frankland?s Charcoal Club.
New reviews of books by Jill Jones, Paul Hardacre, Paul Mitchell, Sean Whelan, John Tranter, Benito di Fonzo and Tony Page. Plus audio, blog posts, editorial and images from throughout the year that was 2004.
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