DNRC055 | EP | 2005 | DELETED
Evergreen teen-pop band The Spunkles, who have now gone on to sign a three album/six tour contract with P&O Cruises, released this scintillating album of synth madness just before departing for Vila in late 2005. Sumptuous conga lines and amazingly inventive use of two step tango beats populate this extraordinary album, on which at least eight thousand individual tracks are reported to have been utilised. Recorded entirely inside a massive machine room embedded deep in the rock beneath Camp Davey, “Yep, That’s Me” seeks to escape its subterrannean beginnings and quickly establishes a swirling prog rhythm, featuring some surprisingly quiet and intimate interludes in the sheltered coves of some rocky island called “Penny”. With an engineering staff of over six hundred at his disposal, producer Davey Dreamnation was able to capitalise on the extraordinary opportunities offered to him as the world’s first 8,000 track producer, and promptly called upon legendary vocalist and harmoniser Scaramouche to lend a yodel. The result, the epic chin-dropper referred to here only as 1:hei, bears no comparison to any other terrestrial musical genre. The same can be said for the rest of this highly amusing yet sadly, deleted pastiche of postmodern noodlisms.
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