What would you say to the idea of receiving a brand-new, exclusive broadside from the Daveyverse in your inbox every week?
The media frenzy in the lead-up to the announcement of the Nobel Prize in Literature each year, with groundless speculation on likely winners accompanied by breathless reporting of bookies’ odds, unconsciously skewers the practices of the “literary elite”: a fictional apparatus that only serves the purposes of those who do not read or write. The…
Anthologised and reprised: “Jetlag World”
3 min read
The last time a poem of mine appeared in a journal was back in 2013. But in the intervening years, the dim flame of my poetic muse has been sustained by the appearance of some of my published poems in a number of anthologies. Suddenly, these old poems have a new agency. They just “hit…
(Substack) Origin Stories
4 min read
“Enter the Dreamnation!”
After two years in Paris working for the International Transport Forum at the OECD, my family and I recently moved to a small village in the province of Fryslân in the Netherlands. The contrast between one of the world’s biggest urban agglomerations and our tiny village of 200 is obvious. But I wasn’t prepared for…
Site/life update: New directions …
2 min read
The older I get, the more sporadic these site updates become. My single reader will be relieved to know that this time around I’m not announcing a brand new WordPress theme. Although I admit that I recently began looking at alternatives to WordPress, including GitHub, before concluding that such an exercise would constitute an even…
Les Fauves: Dress Ups!
3 min read
Check out this podcast if you’re into early-1990s OzRock nostalgia!
Fauves are the best people!
3 min read
Check out this podcast if you’re into early-1990s OzRock nostalgia!
Blocksy WordPress theme
3 min read
Yet another [d/dn] incarnation just dropped, y’all!
Postscript: 10 days in Ireland
2 min read
Well, the roads all rose to greet me, and the days they turned on a pin.
염기도: Basicity
2 min read
A rewrite of ‘imaginary cities: basi—’, originally written in a PC Bang in Seoul during my Asialink residency in 2005.
It’s out there: ITF Transport Outlook 2023
2 min read
It’s out there! The 2023 edition of the ITF – International Transport Forum‘s Transport Outlook has just been launched at the ITF Summit in Leipzig! The Outlook is the ITF’s “flagship” publication, examining the impacts of different policy measures on 🌐 global transport demand and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the actions governments can take…
Preoccupations @ Petit Bain, Paris
13 min read
A story at the interface between Australian cricket and Canadian doom rock.
Koji WordPress theme
1 min read
Let’s see how long this all lasts …
Victor Garber blooper reel
3 min read
for alicia sometimes (as usual)
Hej då, Sverige
2 min read
As always, the end comes sooner than you think.