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  • look back on wires guitars in anger they painted their own ruby jubilee shooting up three chords obliviously jet ski parts animated stripey tees a line a line a line a lines realign calling a verdant copse thalidomide smash hits mixed in boy band salads the sweats the threats the hot jets if musics not…

  • exhume the hello: it’s time to go down to tribesco where your father knows the word for willow follows these slivers of improbable road lashes lampposts hold the sights & set them hourly daily wrongly platitudes & workers singalongs are ballast for a battered boat exhume the hello: it’s time to go down to tribesco…

  • stencil this: a persistent drone tribesco krowe on a corrugated iron roof its passage staccato all along a gutter sparrows go an oily chimera of heavy flight & a radar pattern signals flat my diagrams uneasy eyes a cast silhouette on the dim graffiti momentary shadow of an uberlord steps across a skys grave send…

  • Get your flippers on, we?re going diving. Cordite #20 is a completely underwater issue: SUBMERGED! POETRY Starring snappy poets joanne burns, Pam Brown, nick whittock, Jen Tsen Kwok, Jane Gibian, Anna Jackson, Mark Pirie, Louise Oxley, Ouyang Yu and more. FEATURES James Stuart cuts loose with an investigation into visual poetry. Read his article in…

  • ABC Radio National last night broadcast what it called the first ever National poetry slam in Australia, courtesy of the Deep End program and fellow-Proser charlotte sometimes. The program featured nine finalists from around Australia (including another Proser, KL) plus yours truly performing a “sacrificial lamb” role by reading out a poem before the contest…

  • For the past two years I’ve been studying towards a Master of Arts by Research (Thesis only) within the Department of English with Cultural Studies at the University of Melbourne. My thesis is a 30,000 word novella concerning the invention of Marzipan in a fictitious village (L-) in Germany in the 1400s. I’ve just been…

  • Well, who would have thunk it. One of my favourite Pavement songs of all time is ‘Cut Your Hair’, which is freaky because towards the end of the song the lyric goes like this: Advertising looks and chops a mustNo big hair!!Songs mean a lotWhen songs are boughtAnd so are you— Bitch, rant down to…

  • I’m dreaming of a nineteenth century Finland Where we skied to school & my lunch was free Prior to my birth even the birds did know it I was smaller than a grain of sand inside you Mother said I wasn’t even thought of then yet She could feel me stirring inside a tiny bell…

  • Come ere, your uncle Clint wants to say something to ya. This is a heads up, okay, and I’m not gunna repeat anything so this is thinking time, right? Right. Shoulders back. Heads up, backs straight. Knees pressed together, shoelaces tied separately. Eyes open, mouth shut. Pencils down, balloons up. Please use graph paper for…

  • It’s hard to believe this poem was written in 2004, almost a decade before my second full-length poetry collection, also entitled Leaves of Glass, was released. Clearly, this poem has absolutely nothing to do with either Bernard O’Dowd or Walt Whitman. Nevertheless, it did go on to appear in LoG, under the title ‘Leaves of…

  • What a nerd I am.

  • The bad news is it’s not Christmas yet. The good news is that come Christmas, I’ll be even more chilled than Dylan due to an injection of funds from the Australia Council. Yes, that’s right, after having played the grant game for about six years I’ve finally been lucky enough to receive one (the success…

  • Nearly one year on from its original release, Davey Dreamnation’s barnstorming sophomore album continues to weave its spell, sitting at #3 on the lo-fi album charts. The continued success of both the album and follow-up singles “tribesco” and “48 Bars” has increased speculation that athird album can’t be too far off. Sources close to the…

  • Does it matter if I ask the ladies so many questions? Do you ever wear lycra? Your make-up looks smudged, or is that a trail of mustard on your top lip? Do you like cream buns? What’s the current temperature beneath your armpit? Why does lettuce go soggy anyway? Have you been to Uranus? Why…

  • I know you’re curious about me. What makes me tick? How do I have my tea? Are my underpants red? Am I wearing underpants? How do I get my hair to stay that way? Do I like pets? Is my fridge running? How do I manage to write such emotionally retarded music? How much did…