well you've got birds & then you've got birds haven't you? take your wedge-tailed eagle for example—what a bird you've got there! whereas your common blue budgie—well he's not so much a bird as a parrot is he compared with your ibis your swan your albatross i mean your budgie just doesn't cut the mustard does he that's why you've got to keep him in a cage coz he wouldn't last five minutes in the wild what with all your other birds doing the rounds i mean your currawong your rosella your seagull your bilby yes mate even your marsupial's more bird than your budgie another prime e.g. being your koala—now he'd instil fear in your bravest budgie—what a bloody mismatch eh? what a bird is your koala—a bird's bird if ever i saw one! what a beautiful bloody bird! what a bird!
From the archives: What a bird
2 responses
Hehe, nice one, Davey!
Thx Ives, I didn’t even realise I’d posted that one … 🙂
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