Info Rider

To bring it back to rock ‘n roll influences,
when I was writing Neuromancer, I’m pretty sure
I was listening to Springsteen’s Nebraska
& thinking ‘OK, it’s not hotrods, it’s computers’.

horse & info rider blast straight towards boom in
terrific slow motion just as faulkner described it

smoke & thoughts plume into the atmosphere boom
nobodys on the road ahead for miles & behind us 

solitary wagons quietly disappearing into zeroes
& the wagons slip quietly into their long declines

horse & info rider now slowly gain speed tracking 
now approaching boom the sloping grey hills two
hours later arrived in boom's wind-blasted future 
rider dismounts horse & pulls down saddle-pack an

empty space where a sundowner's gun might softly
hide (the tones all brown & greens like thickets

the track not a road following the line of boom
built to define tracks in turn the wagons buried 

sleep in swags the rolling dreams & the grasses
that stick to the next day riding past boom that

slide into dusk & into dust & terrified platform
riders waiting there in half-light boys run from 

dark corners to grab at silver reins boom horses 
snort pink jets of steam from twin mechanical 

nostrils & the info rider melts into the building 
boom night only to emerge carrying silver sacks

his whistle now as boom boy hands back the reins 
warm & wet from his finger contact & the horsey

earth of boom streets the endless boom (& that
ride the foggy hollow creek & ditch hiding low-

hanging branches boom on (slow rider with yr twin
packs of info that just went boom in the moonlight

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