Leaves of Glass

In late 2007 I received a grant from Arts Victoria to write a series of poems based on correspondence between Australian poet Bernard O’Dowd and Walt Whitman. The results were published as Leaves of Glass by Sydney-based publisher Puncher and Wattmann in 2013.

Drones of Prole

the drones of prole patrol the moon that satellite of filth – their lanterns mark the greasy poles its dark side pepper (salt with futile cries & lunar dews & sad stories drones will tell of extra-terrestrial rents & arbitrage…

Poet Momentous!

i am not fazed by spurious notions of what is good or what is bad i just flip open that temporal wallet & spend (it’s like getting laid or tying one on & imagining X could well be my imaginary…


A rewriting of Bernard O'Dowd's poem 'Australia' (published in The Bulletin in 1900). 'Oz' was first published online in Jacket (2010) and anthologised in Thirty Australian Poets (UQP 2011).

Info Rider

To bring it back to rock ‘n roll influences, when I was writing Neuromancer, I’m pretty sure I was listening to Springsteen’s Nebraska & thinking ‘OK, it’s not hotrods, it’s computers’. WILLIAM GIBSON horse & info rider blast straight towards…