Leaves of Glass

In late 2007 I received a grant from Arts Victoria to write a series of poems based on correspondence between Australian poet Bernard O’Dowd and Walt Whitman. The results were published as Leaves of Glass by Sydney-based publisher Puncher and Wattmann in 2013.


Brennan’s contemporary, Bernard O’Dowd, espoused the cause of nationalism, and attained a far greater reputation in his day; but unlike Brennan’s, his work has dated badly. Judith Wright, A Book of Australian Verse (1968)

Leaves of glass

It's hard to believe this poem was written in 2004, almost a decade before my second full-length poetry collection, also entitled Leaves of Glass, was released. Clearly, this poem has absolutely nothing to do with either Bernard O'Dowd or Walt Whitman. Nevertheless, it did go on to appear in LoG, under the title 'Leaves of Jazz'.