You seem to believe that you have a right to live in a world where you still get paid one thousand times a day or even more for the three chords you banged out (by accident, might I add) on an ageing Casio synth in 1986, & which later on was used as an obscure earworm in an otherwise quite uplifting car commercial soundtrack. What’s worse, you seem to think that we (in other words, yr vast and loyal audience) have no right to do whatsoever we choose with those aforementioned three chords, whether that be in irony or jest, no matter how many of us have paid for the privilege of calling ourselves ‘fans’, or else queuing up to have a hand or a breast autographed. To top it off, you appear to be under some kind of impression that yr so-called rights are still enforceable; that those good times will continue on indefinitely, long after yr own deaths (including the accompanying tributes, the repackaging of greatest hits, (none of which we’re allowed to even sing anymore, at our funerals or in these streets. I’d laugh if only for the fact that most of it Is true; I’d only take it back for the sake of a memory you once triggered; & I’d like to explain more but (we’ve moved on, actually.
We’ve moved on, actually
2 responses
Nice. Did you have a particular song in mind when you wrote this?
Anything by Chris de Burgh, really …
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