Tag: cycling (page 1 of 1)

When career and life collide: Cycling safety in Fryslân

After two years in Paris working for the International Transport Forum at the OECD, my family and I recently moved to a small village in the province of Fryslân in the Netherlands.

The contrast between one of the world’s biggest urban agglomerations and our tiny village of 200 is obvious.

But I wasn’t prepared for the difference in transport infrastructure, especially given that the Netherlands has put enormous efforts into making roads safer for cyclists, pedestrians and other vulnerable road users.

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Bike Snob NYC on lobster deities and the modern world

In these crazy, wild, topsy-turvy times of wars, conflicts, battles, and excessive synonym usage, it can be important to have something that gives you a sense of security. This can be something as complex as a belief system, as simple as a talisman. This is why I worship a Lobster deity whose glowing Pincers of Justice light my way like Glo Stix in the horrific rave that is life in the modern world.

Bike Snob NYC