Tag: deerhunter

  • Eagle-eyed readers would already be aware of my previous tutorial, wherein I demonstrated the art of writing a one hundie, two hundie, three hundie and therefore five hundie record review. In this tutorial, using the ‘find and replace’ function, I show how this template can be used to write a review of any other band…

  • As I was only just saying, the November 2008 issue of Time Out Amsterdam features not one but two chunks of text by meh. While both were about music, only the second, a review of the untold Microcastle album by Deerhunter, was based on music I had actually heard, and liked.

  • Further to my post from a couple of weeks ago about Time Out Amsterdam, I can now proudly say that I’m a published author here in the Netherlands! Not just once, but three times! Bam!