Tag: twitter
@daveyinsweden’s 500th tweet!
0 min read
Image: my five-hundredth tweet. Follow @daveyinsweden on Twitter!
ELMCIP Live Tweeting Screenshot Volume 2
1 min read
Seems like this Tweeting thang is starting to get to me. Back in June, I live-tweeted the heck out of our ELMCIP workshop in Karlskrona, and last week in Ljubljana my textin’ fingers were itching for some more action.
ELMCIP Twitter Stream (13-17 June, 2011)
2 min read
I realise that things have been a little quiet on this blog recently. I blame the onset of a fair-to-middling Swedish summer, which has encouraged me to get out of the office slightly more often than usual (not to mention the fact that the entire campus here in Karlskrona seems to have shut down over…
1 min read
pls re-tweet & follow this if you can: CSI Fallujah trending, mission accomplished & war on terror continues unabated on the day obama died i was buying candles in abbottabad inadvertantly i liveblogged the whole damn cash transaction check your receipts, people – the asteroids have not landed she was a real mars crosser -…
“who to follow”
1 min read
who to follow >>>> what to despise what to wear >>>> when to wear it when to ask >>>> where to ask it where to buy >>>> ‘n’ who to care? how to follow >>>> why to cringe why to cry >>>> who to sneeze at who to kill >>>> what to do it with…