The good news is that my Poem of the Week newsletter now has a grand total of 46 subscribers!

In addition, apart from a slight lapse over Christmas, I’ve managed to stick to my weekly schedule, with the result that I’ve now written 10 brand-new poems!

On reflection, while it’s sometimes been a challenge to wake up every Monday morning and pen a fresh poem, the exercise has so far been really great for my spontaneity.

It’s also been really heartening to get the occasional email from a subscriber in response to a particular poem. Here are the titles of the first 10 poems:

(On the Tomb of) Noah Ray
the feeling after fear
i remember 제주도
done tagging!
How the cold, dead moon stayed magnetic
Här kommer allihop!
collapse menu
mark all as read
meaningful adjacency request

If that list sounds even vaguely intriguing or tempting, do yourself a favour and check out Tjugotvå, a chapbook containing these poems and more!