Category: We Will Disappear (page 1 of 3)

My debut collection of poetry was published in 2007 by papertiger media. Read more about the book in my portfolio.

(On the Tomb of) Victor Bruce

For Bruce Beaver 

 & the poems having been found 
 your poems radiant as manly’s 
 hi-fi stacks above & beneath us 
 all the memory of your mother 
 her house demolished & rebuilt 
 old stormwater drains’ insides 
 sewerage outfalls yearning off 
 malabar bluebottles slobber in 
 the shallows small boys build 
 beige sandcastle apartments 
 the pine trees twist & rotting 
 eggs dislodge electric memory 
 sheds its leathered skin away 
 in a chamber reserved for you 
 & francis webb just like janet 
 frame you two are gone to cry 
 is to miss the point that rilke 
 made on lamentation & its twin 
 celebration when will it end? 
 your third letter on the same 
 sky blue stationery its colour 
 of the wind above your house 
 on good days those socks you 
 dreamed there will not have 
 amnesties reunions of that 
 chain gang smoke & blisters 
 the heat’s sleepers fused in 
 blood it is difficult to think 
 of you as a radio DJ now but 
 you spoke to me in light once 
 my night in ultimo splintered 
 unwilling to drop the subject 
 of an atom bomb might have 
 looked good in my biography 
 but beneath it too your pain 
 poems huddling in ditches 
 shore the moment of literacy 
 & a poet was born out of zero 
 comes this split name & your 
 shared mania so victor bruce 
 what else did they do to you 
 in a hell the psyche flinched 
 your future autobiographies 
 like daguerreotypes etched in 
 golden lacquered hairstyles 
 matted with perspiration an 
 awkward nervousness down 
 behind a couch or lounge we 
 hear a radio’s shrill lorikeets 
 auckland’s dinosaurs lowing 
 you saw them for remainders 
 forever poetry’s noms de plume 
 rise & backfire on two-penny 
 novels a name is assumed but 
 this plotline’s fragmented & 
 blasted through a hole we’ll 

 call it time not you bruce i’m 
 certain of very little else now 
 the database has catalogued 
 every first line you pinned like 

 moths beneath glass this case 
 has now been sealed how the 
 beached wire gnashes at your 
 whitened knuckles you hear 

 the sea’s blue roar or a fist’s 
 victory bruce smashing out 
 glass it’s life & as the sharks 
 tumble out & the attendants 

 debate symptoms legionnaires 
 or avian SARS for my mind you 
 knew of cages filled with dirty 
 brown birds arthur conan doyle 

 was there & in spare moments 
 whistled what was tricked into 
 being before your eyes melted 
 paint the floors of aquariums 

 with a littoral memory wash 
 flood the animals two by two 
 global warming or literature 
 lapping at the shallow end of 

 hope stand death’s detectives 
 finding poems in drains or bea 
 miles’ mad eyes show us what 
 was in your fist bruce the tight 

 seal loosened for a page or two 
 as a drum begins its journey to 
 the bottom of some harbour & 
 simon & garfunkel testimonials 

 build a bridge over your sleep to 
 stacks of manly’s hi-fis swaying 
 the radio keeping us all awake 
 i hear the final pine signing off 

Abstract moon

We are planets. Some endure. Others
melt, or spin off course, like tops. I'm
one of those. This poem is my brand
new abstract moon, a satellite whose
strange attraction causes moods to
rise and fall like waves, abstract tides.

The truth is, by the wooden wharves,
even fishermen are gods. Inside each
plastic bucket, offerings to the moon.
Each hook's a hope or prayer; every
cast an arm around the shoulder of
a tearful stranger. I'm one of those.

Lightning is a kind of poem, a song
sung by clouds as they rub together.
I'm one of those. Shoes on cobbles,
words on the wind. Ask somebody
if they'd mind walking slowly. Who
knows, they might just say goodbye.

We're abstracts in each other's eye.
That's okay. You'll find a flower in
the smog; I can already hear little
white trees. Hands hold onto us.
You're the kind of person who sees
a single moon. I'm one of those too.

We are living

Once I disappeared through a window you
Left open. I went back to the space where we
Once lived. You said don’t come back. 

We returned after dark to the place where
Lights were kept. You lost your way amongst things
We had forgotten about. I said don’t worry. 

Are we living or just walking around? You
Perceived the darkness in my words. Perhaps we
Are only pretending to breathe, I thought. 

Living things flew around us. Somewhere
I could hear singing. The lights came on like a 
Living, breathing eye. You blinked, once. 

We closed the window. Sounds switched 
Off like eyes or lives. Then in that darkness 
We held out our hands. Where were we? 

Are you listening? Can you concentrate
On this final instruction? Make sure your eyes
Are open. Can you see the way ahead?  

No thing answered. Sight disappeared.
Drawing cryptic crosses on the invisible walls 
No human hand had touched, I breathed. 

Longer than the night, our journey was
Repeated under stars. Your sighs were even
Longer than lifetimes. We didn’t breathe. 

Dead as a frosted bough, or the bird,
Your footsteps ceased. The silence, like a 
Dead bell in a building. I didn’t worry. 

Once we are living we are no longer
Dead. I whispered these words to myself.
Once upon a time, you still breathed. 

“While your children are still small”

I'm dreaming of a nineteenth century Finland
Where we skied to school & my lunch was free
Prior to my birth even the birds did know it
I was smaller than a grain of sand inside you

Mother said I wasn't even thought of then yet
She could feel me stirring inside a tiny bell
Pealing against the walls of her silent womb
Wondering how big I would get or if not when

While your children are still small draw bees
Skate on ice and lead ponies through the snow
Go to sleep each night and dream compulsorily
They say it helps when the sun doesn't come up

When the good morning kiss you once expected
Has evaporated like autumn mist by eleven am
Your children are no longer small but dwarvish
They remember your name & they call you by it

No more stacks-on of a weekend or at any time
An end to giggles & those silly little jokes
You'll remember them all when your time comes
When they call with the sponges to bathe you

Though our pyjamas announce themselves glow
Warm as Santa's sack of rhymes & candy teeth
Remember to cross your hands before sleeping
If you die at night they'll know you prayed

Recognising a father or mother in your pose
Long-imagined though blurred in the passing
Remember forever your child's tiny red lips
Listen to what she says before it's too late

Let’s fight the pop-ups!

meddling kids with their internet
pop-ups planting jitches in those
unexpected drum /fill up my crevice
moments inevitably doomed to fall
between their terminals of thunder
& the beginnings of the jaundice /
plague its down on hands & hips
& back to feeling aghast my baby
lives on a pop-up page we shudder
tho my slax stained with mustard
tell me sadder tales – its possible
avoid computers made entirely of
mould dont mention mousetraps
in this house a typewriters warm
key tapped a la morse plastique
i dont know french but i louvre
what youre doing with that jim
& please consider joining me for
a snack yes or a mid-morning TV
advertisement you know at least
they dont pop up like some brat
on amyl well i could go on but i
dont want to mention the names
now that my password has been
hijacked by a kid with two brains