Author: Davey Dreamnation (page 128 of 237)

Davey Dreamnation (1972–?) is an Australalian musician, vocalist, pirate and record-label owner who now lives 'in the third person'.

View his full biography.

Cold & Sore

In the rejection halls I began planting volcanoes, my lips the Pacific Rim on fire – but Oahu! Boy, I needed a holiday, needed to see the lava spray against the midnight rocks, then plop back into a pool complete with bar. We were really in the centre of things there, literally. Or, in the centre of my mouth I formed a “woo-hoo” once we disbanded, due to confirmation denials and red-tape scoundrels snapping at our coats. Then it got cold. I was sitting on someone’s bed at a party and he mentioned the decade. It was like I’d been shipped way south of Oahu to a glacier of pain where all noise was forbidden. Just the sound of icy winds in my brain. They stopped, too. Then I knew it was going to hurt. I woke up cold and sore. Those volcanos had all joined together and I was as powerless as an ice-cube in their righteous path. It became difficult to speak. You looked on amazed as my personality turned into a death mask belonging to a French Count. Still the ice worms attacked. The night was relentless. We could have woken up on fire but that was a dream someone else was having, on Oahu! Your hope was a tube of ointment with no expiry date. The corridors froze over, our teeth clattered against the rims of glasses of cooling plum wine. The pleasure principle plummetted and thermometers turned to rubber seals. Clumsily, we staggered to the nearest subway entrance – but we were still on Oahu! So we waited for a boat. We watched a small beetle struggling with a pea, and were amused. That was the end of summer for us. We should have known it was coming but then how could we have predicted the rhythms of that wretched river? Anyway, you were also cold. Bruised from slipping on the devilish icicle called the road. Your lips were alone in the dark, always waiting. I’m crying, just sitting here typing these words, no longer on Oahu. Neither of us wanted that. When the lava river swamped our camp, we were the last to leave. Our silver suits, smudged with the detritus of the chocolate bars and brownies we had just been eating, shone eerily in the fake night, just like Christmas. Bundled into the waiting wagon as the enormous cloud of soot and pain and love bruises shuddered on its axis, filled with garbage and lies. Where the hell was Oahu when we needed it? To run burning into the soothing balm of a lagoon and sit there, steaming. To take a single tear and create a child from it. Maybe they made a mistake with our tickets, or called the wrong flight, the incorrect boarding gate. I see our fates in the ever-flickering departure boards, the heartless red font of delays and cancellations. I often see you on Oahu. One day the volcanoes will disappear, too.

When You Go Away

i will be playing enya in my head
i’m sorry i know it sounds corny
but she’s there as well as you mo
radh there’s no point denying it
i love clannad can’t put a finger
on it wreathed in shadows fogs
bats & crooked crosses stranger
mists than these in fact sinead’s
there too (along with st patrick
oh & cuchulain in a sacred text
i am a pilgrim from darker ages
the waterboys were a top band
it’s a pity wb yeats will not be
available in airport paperback
collected editions for i’m sure
he’ll be there with me while his
irish airman foresees our fates
though country miles do come
between us pan pipes will still
play or wail my synthesiser has
a banshee button i will press it
plead for oscar wilde’s release
on a minor technicality (craic
was found in my possession &
tho they’re sure to isolate me
don’t let any orinoco tears flow
at customs i’ll declare nothing
for i’m far from my homeland
& you as enya sails away don’t
look back I’m a lonesome boat
man no longer beset by furies
foster & allen will you promise
me you’ll listen to watermark
every day until we meet again†


you say millions now living will never die
can one of you please explain how come
the rest of us are going to disappear from
the face of this earth because we will you
know disappear that is don't think i'll ever
get a reply still it's worth asking the tough
questions every once in a while just to let
them know you're still kicking no i'm not
dead yet though i may as well be if time
is an abstract as they say we'll never know
who the living ones will be say could we
say bye to cold hard feelings celebrations
lamentation put an end to worrying & all
that gas is maybe not quite appropriate
in the context of euthanasia maybe not
quite part of the lexicon yet but soon will
be & soon we'll disappear off the face of
this earth & you tell me someone else's
got a green light yellow jersey 3rd wind
frequent liver bonus life must be drizzle
for you, waiting for it to stop when will
my bonus life kick in when a terrorist
hijacks my plane sets off a bomb killing
all of us & will i really die? no of course
not you'll simply disappear never fear
there's plenty of us down here waiting
for your immortal friends to appear on
2nd thoughts i'd rather be plankton that
way at least i could disappear in the sea
& you'll see a blue whale & inside it me


like a murder suicide yesterday’s tiffs
became today’s shower of glacial regret
hit on the head by super large moriapo*†

left winded bruised & read-dead on our
set-list stories of lost orders events
tragedies that come in threes like the

drinks the straws (deadly for dolphins
the lipstick trace a circular argument
nobody heard a thing (or suspected yet

there it is: an empty office & a drill
draw your conclusions or bite your lip
sure of what you’re about to say (next

thing you know there’s a glass in your
hand & tears beside the water fountain

*trans: hangover (Korean)