“Delta, we are bravo” – title track from Davey Dreamnation’s debut album finally released on mp3.com.au

The heavens opened at Camp Davey this afternoon, as God wept upon learning that “islands in the stream of consciousness”, the stand-out track from Davey Dreamnation’s album of the same name, has finally been released on mp3.com.au.

“This is what we used to call progress in the olden days, before international websites, downloads and all that tommy rot even existed,” seethed Dreamnation’s spokesperson Stung this afternoon, from underneath his signature “blue llamas” umbrella.
“It’s abour freaking time, is all I’m going to say.”

The track’s release comes after months of speculation, weeks of industry gossip, hours of arguments at Camp Davey and thousands of e-mails to Davey’s personal e-mail address, all of which had the cumulative effect of blowing up the mp3.com.au servers, apparently.

“Umm, yes, well, Davey Dreamnation claims no responsibility for that. He’s completely unresponsible, in every way. He has the social conscience of a six-month-old llama.”

Fans of the enigmatic and surrealistic superstar can expect an avalanche of publicity over the next few weeks in the form of mail bombs, mp3.com.au e-cards, hand-written notes, facsimile joke sheets and other perverse forms of media.

“Apparently Davey wanted to send coconut press releases to the U.K. media, but after learning that such things could be considered terrorist acts, he’s finally agreed to send complimentary molotov cocktails to the offices of the N.M.E. instead,” Stung later revealed.

“But don’t quote me on that, okay?”

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