Yes, yes, I know …

… that my homepage has been down for maintenance for the past five days, despite my good intentions.

… that the theme I’m now using is perhaps more suitable to a magazine or newsletter format, and contains many features I’ll never use.

… that the theme templates seem to contain many bugs and errors that make it difficult to use them properly, despite their potential.

… that the slideshow in particular is not working, to my chagrin, as this was the only real reason I decided to switch themes in the first place.

… that, in general, my approach to web design and page layout is based on readability and a love of text as opposed to pretty images.

… and that I *could* work my arse off *creating* a functional *community* here and still be deemed not Web 2.0 enough for some.


… after ten years of teaching myself HTML and PHP, and having posted over 1100 FREE pieces of content that no one except the Googlebot actually reads …



4 responses

  1. Paul avatar

    I’m reading it, Davey. Web how many is that now? Only 2.0?

  2. davey avatar

    Damn it Paul, your comment ruins the whole effect!

  3. genevieve avatar

    You might like to know, however, that a search on Google for kfxbai returns only two results, both for this site!! in Australia.
    AND TEN FOR THE WORLD, and u r tops. The others are people who overuse it in Czech, etc.
    So mastering the Lolcat lexicon should be included in your list of achievements, I think. (I don’t know what is this KFX but bai is intelligible enough. Iz only lerning lolcatspk. From poetz.)

    And btw did I mention that the template is very goodlooking?

  4. davey avatar

    Hey GMT,

    for serious? wow, I am humbled. but you can haz good lolspk … srly.

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