
As of October 2011, I’d posted over three hundred poems on this site, including many sonnets and search poems, as well as numerous poems that didn’t make it into chapbooks such as Abendland and Morgenland. I then ceased posting poems here, choosing instead to distribute them via my poem of the week newsletter. Then I stopped doing that too. Every now and then I post a poem here … but not as often as I’d like.

screensaver (brickmaze)

finally the truth courtesy of windows a complimentary maze to hypnotise the frantic vietnamese providing us our lightning speed ADSL connection so as to send all of our banality home via AOL & thus avoiding the queues at the post…

come out fighting

it’s an art form staying rich fight the power or just barter cyclo donations here press my trigger shoot me please i need it (& god knows i’m paying) instead of listening bicker amongst yourselves hotel room fights the locals…


y2k plus three viet man i’ll never say it again packets unsprawled divers glide through schools of fish though none touch him it’s a miracle of chaos & control – neon blades an old lake’s hole marginal silent on great…

speed garage

look back on wires guitars in anger they painted their own ruby jubilee shooting up three chords obliviously jet ski parts animated stripey tees a line a line a line a lines realign calling a verdant copse thalidomide smash hits…

(to) tribesco

exhume the hello: it’s time to go down to tribesco where your father knows the word for willow follows these slivers of improbable road lashes lampposts hold the sights & set them hourly daily wrongly platitudes & workers singalongs are…

tribesco krowe

stencil this: a persistent drone tribesco krowe on a corrugated iron roof its passage staccato all along a gutter sparrows go an oily chimera of heavy flight & a radar pattern signals flat my diagrams uneasy eyes a cast silhouette…

Leaves of glass

It's hard to believe this poem was written in 2004, almost a decade before my second full-length poetry collection, also entitled Leaves of Glass, was released. Clearly, this poem has absolutely nothing to do with either Bernard O'Dowd or Walt Whitman. Nevertheless, it did go on to appear in LoG, under the title 'Leaves of Jazz'.

neo neo

your journey ends & its a long way home press this button open this window roam (optional) rejection previously overcome bottled single beating caramel or licorice licorice or caramel beating single bottles overcome a previous rejection (optional) its an end…