Category: Sonnets (page 3 of 8)

Who said sonnets were cool? And who said a poem that’s fourteen lines long is a sonnet? I’m not sure, but I hope nobody notices how amateur these ones are.

More sun than clouds; sprinkles early

said let's buy tulips because you were homesick
twenty-four hour florist late-night emergency
the tulips sat inside a cool store freezer still wet
& trembling fragile as a whispered wish (we said
let's buy some tulips today there's more sun than
cloud their powers are quite expensive but what
does money matter (when there's more sun than
clouds scanning the supermarket aisles for some
sprinkles early in the morning (we said let's buy
some sprinkles when you were thinking of home
i was thinking of the sun we took photographs of
tulips they were orange as bush fire suns (& wet
as clouds & our faces looking up to see sprinkles
saw twinkles in the blank sky (homesick & here
Image credit:
unsplash-logoAd Muller

Rabbit Roulette

we’re beta refugees playing rabbit roulette
on an insula island in some cerebral cortex
the day my grandmother turned to smoke
the white rabbits sat on the long wet grass
white rivers of paper insulin dependencies
territorial misgivings siblings incinerations
don’t let this be our last conversation mate
you’ll be heavy inside that casket i can tell
i don’t want to bury your memories sisters
start up those sirens & move out of discord
one cheap chord on a two dollar guitar was
all it took & then niagara falls i won’t forget
the weir was empty but i was full of wrong
numbers adding up & her cheeks were wet

War Flowers

comments require verification so pass the
bandanna and cry a flower into it’s a war
parents knew was coming & ever since then
thoughts have been in turmoil as soon as
argument was refuted he switched sides so
hypocricy went unnoticed please go & fuck
your self-righteous self sideways & stick
business somewhere else maybe start where
neo-con pals left off after all it wasn’t
fault but was it our duty to cluster bomb
enemies even those who played no roles in
dumb crusades against the left & i suppose
mother taught you that method originally –
flowers require water (but are already dead

Heel Hete

hotter than that princes highway
hotter than the towering inferno
hotter than hell on christmas day
hotter than every cricketer’s mo –

heel heet! by crikey, that’s hot
heel hete! ouch! don’t touch it!
heel hete! (i’m talking very hot
heel hete! … ehm … oh, shit.

hotter than any council barbecue
hotter than ham & cheese on toast
hotter than a festival portaloo
hotter than your mum’s hot roast

heel hete! very hot! take care!
heel hete! very hot! aiy, beware!


the dreamy scent of sleep escapes
from a glass jar full of rollmops
slipping here between day & night
the stars fall like drops of (dew
eclipses bait the atmosphere with
hints of anarchy & FSU (bleachers
groan beneath our stellar weights
subway snarls make the beast with
two attacks tip a jar upside down
watch (a sleepy tear dripping out
soft cuddly animals in a tableaux
meant for myer window dressers or
snoring elves who gives a puck if
satan’s alive or merely (a stiff –