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ELMCIP’s 200th tweet!
0 min read
Image: ELMCIP’s 200th tweet – follow @ELMCIP on Twitter!
Imjingang sax scene
1 min read
Imjingang is a small town just north of Paju in the Republic of Korea, on the banks of the Imjin river and close to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).
2 min read
you arrived in kochani life-bruised and hung-over lucky to have escaped the clutches of bureaucracy the festival of mute poets barely a memory (lines nothing compared to roadside fields of rice (flags the evening’s cool remedy: couples walking beside a tiny river (readings in a childrens’ park where swings & miniature trains reminded you of…
The All-Seeing ‘I’
0 min read
Early-1990s UK indie bands: The definitive list
13 min read
1990s UK indie bands were the best bands.
Back in 2011, I took one of my many trips down Amnesia Lane. A little bit like this one, in fact. I decided to create a list of all the great UK indie bands from the early 1990s. The problem was, I wasn’t an expert at all, and I’d never lived in the UK. But…
Mother Russia
2 min read
‘Mother Russia’ was my first published poem, and the first poem I ever performed in public. It appeared in 1991 in Textbase, a short-lived journal put out by the people who ran the Reasonably Good Cafe on Abercrombie Street in Chippendale, Sydney. I remember attending the launch and reading my poem. Afterwards someone told me…
“Т’га за југ”
4 min read
A free transliteration of Graham W. Reid’s translation of “Т’га за југ” (“T’ga za jug”, or “Longing for the South”) by Macedonian writer Konstantin Miladinov (1830-62).
Stars & Stripes
2 min read
I have seen things you do not wish to see, in any theatre, not even in war. Together we have seen & done what few could ever imagine, even inside these dream machines. The men emerging from cubicles with their dicks hanging limp & out. Or the couples fracking with impunity by the dance floor.…
Cordite 35.2: Oz-ko (Hanguk-Hoju)
3 min read
Cordite Poetry Review No. 35.2: Oz-Ko 한국-호주 (Hanguk-Hoju) Poetry editor: Eun-Gwi Chung English translations: Eun-Gwi Chung and Brother Anthony of Taizé Released: 1 August 2011 Cover image: Ivy Alvarez Pandora archive (NLA)
We’ve moved on, actually
2 min read
You seem to believe that you have a right to live in a world where you still get paid one thousand times a day or even more for the three chords you banged out (by accident, might I add) on an ageing Casio synth in 1986, & which later on was used as an obscure…
ELMCIP Twitter Stream (13-17 June, 2011)
2 min read
I realise that things have been a little quiet on this blog recently. I blame the onset of a fair-to-middling Swedish summer, which has encouraged me to get out of the office slightly more often than usual (not to mention the fact that the entire campus here in Karlskrona seems to have shut down over…
참새 다방 [Sparrow dabang]
1 min read
This is the Hangul version of my poem ‘Sparrow dabang’ about Yi Sang (1910–37), an avant-garde Korean poet. Hangul translation by 김성현 (Kim Sunghyun). Read the English version.
1 min read
i’m sitting here writing a poem (or at least pretending to) while a photographer shoots me with a wide-angle lens. of course it’s fake – this isn’t even my office, rather the media lab at yeonhui in north-west seoul, a thousand miles from home(s), months ago, a million species of weird- ness, like a bastardised…