What would you say to the idea of receiving a brand-new, exclusive broadside from the Daveyverse in your inbox every week?
The Sheep Market
2 min read
I’ve been immersed in hi-tech today at PICNIC08, a huge design and innovation conference being held over 3 days at the Westerpark Gasfabriek in Amsterdam. Somehow I managed to get myself a press pass for the event, which plays host to a quite dazzling array of Web 2.0 gurus (already), corps, labs and testbeds and,…
1 min read
Walking from het Plein to the Lange Voorhout: Prinsjesdag, Den Haag …
Spam Disaster Email 1
3 min read
On Internet forums there appeared messages of a powerful explosion at an Australian nuclear power station located in the suburbs of Sydney. According to witnesses’ statements the explosion happened at about 3 pm on the 9th of September. In particular, one resident of this town has made a call and had time to inform her…
Boudewijn de Groot – “Meisje van 16”
1 min read
These two videos speak for themselves, I think. In any case, I cannot speak for them yet, as my Dutch is not very good at all. Nevertheless I trust that you are enjoying these little trips down Tubenesia Lane as much as I am. Continue.
Dream Team Update 2008!
6 min read
Last June I wrote about my Bloglines Dream Team, based on the number of entries posted by 18 fellow bloggers. You may recall that while I was having trouble ever logging into, let alone reading from, the Bloglines web reader, when I did finally gain access it gave me a snapshot of activity on these…
Pronouncing the Dutch Alphabet
1 min read
It would be nice to think that the English and Dutch languages are similar. In many instances – individual words, phrases, roots – they are indeed related; however it is precisely their differences that make true understanding possible. This is immediately apparent when any native English speaker confronts the strange and rigid (and seemingly atonal)…
Eyna: “Watercress”
3 min read
DNRC093 | LP | 2021 | DELETED
Benelux: “Feng Haag Shuiling”
2 min read
DNRC092 | EP | 2021 | DELETED
OMG I heart Darryl
Interesting news from Total Internets
1 min read
trusted client experience more thinking get as anything similar to gets for one phrases. you have it is site way to growing to do form of will product site our site added site will entries leading first 3 People the we number Keys, he want to get services to ten. Sydney main can get ranked…
We Will Disappear: the First Anniversary!
1 min read
It’s a quiet kind of milestone but my book We Will Disappear was launched one year ago this weekend at the Melbourne Writers Festival. Quiet in the sense that I am about ten thousand miles from this year’s MWF, where some class acts will be performing.
Murmur (1983)
5 min read
A fictional response to REM’s debut LP album.
Welkom bij DDNv11: Davey Droomnatie
1 min read
Goedemorgen, mijne dames en heren. Hoe gaat het met jullie? Alles gaat prima? Goed zo! Wat leuk! Dus … Waar zijn wij? Hoe heet je? Ik ben Davey Droomnatie maar aan de overkant van de wereld word ik ‘Davey Dreamnation’ genoemd. Wie is dit ‘Dreamnation’? Dat zullen wij spoedig te weten komen. Tot zo!
0 min read
Cordite 28: Secret Cities (2008)
2 min read
… although by the time you read this post you’re probably already aware of its ‘appearance’, not just via the 28: Secret Cities index page but also through RSS feeds (which ‘leaked through’ even though the public website was in ‘maintenence’ mode), my own perhaps inadvertant leaks via my Facebook update, a Facebook Cordite group…