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  • Smoke One

    I closed the door on our empty house for the last time, leaving the detritus of rental space – the video cards and home-delivery pizza menus, the old school telephone directories in yellow and white, sensor mood lights and triple flush, raked Japanese mini-garden and opaque pond, twin bins and water-efficient compost – for its…

  • Rain falls like a scene change and I’m waking up in an empty field, sashaying ever so slightly on my airbed, scaring dust motes with my whoosh. Smelling smoke, controlling the intake of blue dust through my nostrils, knowing that I have to get up and fast, before the rain stops. It’s dawn. My handbag…

  • Snowy!

    My poem Snowy has been published in Snorkel 6 alongside untold work by Pam Brown, Todd Swift, Greg McLaren and many more!

  • Notes Pilgrims should follow the order of actions set out in the Cook Book, that is: Meditation, followed by Prayer. There is no obligation to visit each Station; nor is there any obligation to fast before or after the ceremony, despite the open observation of such rituals in some of the Pure Congregations. In public…

  • In an effort to break the world procrastination record, I’ve spent most of today re-vamping this site’s design, mostly by riffing off a neat three column WordPress theme originally created by refueled.net that is, according to their website, “perfect for churches or other non-profits”. You can see why I was immediately interested. In other news,…

  • you were only ten years old when billy corgan had hair. & youknow, i can barely remember that time myself – it’s as if i wasnever actually there oh but i was at selina’s in coogee wherebilly corgan had lots of hair & he screamed & yodelled & shookhis mane of greasy sweaty hair (he…

  • DNRC086 | LP | 2017

  • How many times can the name Chris de Burgh be mentioned on a poster before it starts to look, I don’t know, creepy? I really like the attention to detail in this shot, right down to the watch and wedding ring. The fringe could do with a bit of work, though.

  • Even as the dust begins to settle on We Will Disappear, there’s no time for a busy poet like me to rest. I’m proud to announce that I’ve got a new chapbook out through the highly-esteemed Vagabond Press, whose editor Michael Brennan runs the Poetry International Australia website, and who is, by the way, a…

  • The La Trobe English Program is running a 12 week reading series entitled Eggs & Roses, with a couple of writers—emerging or established, La Trobean or from further afield—reading each week. For anyone (someone?) who will be at the La Trobe Bundoora campus this Thursday from 4:30 til 6pm, I’ll be reading in room 431…

  • Poet, criminologist, anti-fascist and paranoia merchant alicia sometimes has written and recorded a bulk ace review of my book for ABC Radio National’s The Book Show.

  • DNRC085 | 5LP | 2016

  • In addition to the reading and panels I’ll be doing at NYWF in Newcastle, it’s my pleasure to announce that the latest issue of Cordite Poetry Review will be officially launched as part of the Mega Mega Launch! The launch will be held on Saturday Sep 29th, from 6-7.30pm at the Festival Club (Ground Floor,…

  • It’s a bit weird when a journal you edit publishes a review of a book you’ve written. But I can live with that.

  • For those of you who like to gawk at Flickr streams, click on the above image to be instantly transported to a series of images from the Melbourne launch of We Will Disappear, courtesy of photographer Macushla Burke. The latest issue of papertiger media’s Tiger Talk newsletter also includes some details from the recent Soi3…