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Queensland Poetry Festival program now online!
2 min read
In news that’s sure to raise the levels of dams all over the country, the Queensland Poetry Festival program has been uploaded onto their website.
Two Signs That Speak For Themselves
1 min read
A couple of weeks ago I tried to put up some pictures from my time as a Professor at Sogang University in Seoul in 2005. Unfortunately, the images seemed to slow down the loading of my whole site, and so I put the post on ice. Until now. Above, one of my Australian Culture students…
We Will Disappear!
1 min read
I’m dizzy.
Exclusive: Clint Bo Dean Pix
0 min read
It’s all in the stats – really.
1 min read
Breakdown of first year Media Studies students’ choice of essay questions by theme: 1. Reality TV (14 essays) 2. Narrative (12) 3. Semiotics (7) 4. Postmodernism (5) 5. Celebrity (5) 6. News Media (3) 7. Culture Jamming (2) 8. Realism (0)
American Creek II
3 min read
i. Leaves that flick at the years before me, maniacal, seething. The first of a now-suburban dead. With nobody watching him he softly buried grass. I chomp on weeds & in my sleep bears make me wear things that keep out the sound of American Creek. The wet candle is in the ground, all by…
Ernie Malvern
3 min read
To chew on grass in the sunshine. To lick at the yolks of eggs, or bright & fern-dappled sunlight out in the yard. The trees crack like whips & faraway the southerly, the change comes. It’s worst at night, beneath the porch, as the spin dryer hums & the gums drop leaves that flick at…
Betty Malvern
3 min read
Betty Malvern with a bee. Here’s my sisterly path, the secret way. Through the woods, into the sunlight for a sec. Token uniform a spot of brown by the creek. Small whorls of dirt in the clear water, like washing a coffee cup first in a sink olf sudsy white, like a beach. Clouded eyes…
Little Lord Damnation
1 min read
Greetings, earthlings. LL Damnation here, with an update on the highly successful guerilla marketing campaign we are currently conducting for DNRC Records. You may not even realise that it’s happening, but that doesn’t mean it is. The idea stemmed from some research we did on the daveydreamnation.com portal and some highly-charged focus groups, which told…
Dream Team
5 min read
For the past month at least my Bloglines account has been on the jinx but tonight, what do you know – all of the blog feeds are now working again and I’ve received a grand total of 245 new items since late April – an impressive amount of content creation on the part of my…
0 min read
Buddha Machine Explosion!
3 min read
Everything is Buddha.
Strike Cities
2 min read
Empty skyscrapers come bellowing the tune of the strike cities – across the railways and slipways, down the random boulevardes and blasted arcades, through the monumental parks and plastic conduits – their emissaries calling, each cubicle mapping the terrain of your capital, the inside of your liberty bell.
In a move eerily and uncannily similar to Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”-era wardrobe malfunction decision, Davey Dreamnation has gone imperial and re-invented himself as a member of the aristocracy in the dying days of the reign of Louis XIV. Speaking from the drawing room of his gigantic new manor house, Little Lord…
I am surrounded by genii
2 min read
After four days of literary jauntiness and speed intellectualism, I’m beginning to feel a bit like Richie Watts after attending the Comedy Festival – blown-out, exhausted and thrilled by the sheer number of genii (or should that be geniuses – whatevs) presently living, breathing and creating stuff for people like you and me to enjoy.…