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  • For a long time I’ve admired the art of Gerhard Richter, whose photoreal ‘kerzen’ (candles: see below for an example) would be recognisable to any fan of Sonic Youth’s Daydream Nation album. In the first part of last year, when I was writing full-time thanks to a grant from the Australia Council for the Arts,…

  • Way back in the late 1990s, when I was still living in Sydney and feeling extremely sorry for myself, I wrote an article for a Sydney design magazine which took Le Courbusier’s machines For living in as its inspiration. The magazine unfortunately rejected the article, which actually concerns coffins, or machines for dying in—but I…

  • I. What I was thinking is not important. I will pass my mid-term examination, Or fail it just to be with him. He has a car and respects me. I love his new Haircut. The other girls, what do they matter? All I know is all of him. We’re Crazy to be this way. I’d…

  • It’s there and it’s real, like snow. Trucks carrying newsprint clog the freeways with its rumour. I was walking along beside it. Something about its timing, its velocity, struck me. I thought, for the first time, that it might be real. It is. It’s there, inside the word. It’s a breathless word. It’s a mountain.…

  • DNRC056 | LP | 2005

  • i got frisked in fukuoka/ like a dog i just woofed and rolled over/ i had a date with a destination/ had to get to the bullet train station/ validated my japanese rail pass/ calculated how long it would last until/ I had to get off to get on to get off/ to ride a…

  • 1/0

    One for none. All for none. One for all of us. No one for us. You for me. Me for all of us. Us for you. You for me of us. We for them. Them for all of us. Us for all. You for us of us. One for none. Two for none. Two for…

  • Stranger

    I got into a car with a stranger. I was five years old and temporarily deaf. I remember now getting off the school bus, at the corner of our street, then running across the bitumen road. It was on Lawson Crescent, in Orange, that I got into the stranger’s car. I’d tripped over in the…

  • The sound of the falling. Under scattered neon raindrops form a pool. Rain swims in the sky. Faster than any other sound. Sheets of cloud tears. Bosom of rain. Swelling through the grizzly morning. Bird calls in the rain. Rooves peppered with raindrops. Pools of last night’s rain in the oily streets. Cars moving through…

  • Audience of subway strangers. Stagger at them! Pelt them with praise! I’m Ko Un, and I’m drunker than a poem. This text, pirated, sallies forth upon the bristled breeze. Ko Un! Standing in your shadow magic. Spam, originating from the Republic of Soju, hits me fortnightly. Ko Un! Standing by the door, laughing at advertisements.…

  • Listen to a live performance of this poem.

  • My re-baptism of fire on the Melbourne spoken word circuit last night during my Babble feature provided me with some food for thought about how to get the most out of performance poetry.

  • Well, there have been some big changes in Daveyland since I arrived back home. One of these has been the strange process of becoming reacquainted with friends and family, after a long period overseas. It’s weird. Everyone’s exactly the same. I’m exactly the same. Australia is exactly the same. Except, different. Perhaps I should have…

  • DNRC055 | EP | 2005

  • The fingerprints of Clint Bo Dean are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans, so much so that they could be confused at a crime scene. There are more than two hundred different kinds of Clint Bo Dean. Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and Clint Bo Dean has 7. While performing her duties as…