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“Borntobe Chicken”
1 min read
Mmmm, borntobe chicken.
The iClint™
2 min read
During a recent gruelling brainstorming session for the track listing on my debut album, I hit upon an incredible invention: the iClint™, a personal music system for the discerning music fan. Composed of a cassette player that doubles as a mask to wear either to masquerade balls or to the opening night of any of…
Jongno, Seoul
1 min read
Just another quiet night in the totally relaxed and tranquil downtown district of Seoul.
Trying To Live Your Life In One Day (Part 2)
4 min read
Okay. So. Itaewon is an area of Seoul which contains a United States Army base and which is known as a place where westerners congregate. While riding the subway there, I was beset by doubts: did I really want to go to Itaewon? If so, why? Wasn’t I meant to be experiencing the real Seoul…
Overheard in a Seoul hostel
1 min read
I really did just overhear someone say, “Wow, they must have a lot of Nazis here in Korea.” Of course, this symbol denotes a Buddhist temple. It is not a Nazi swastika.
Etiquette for CATS Fans
4 min read
It’s about time someone spoke up about the appalling way in which CATS fans behave sometimes. I found the following advice on the wonderful Cats Musical website and I urge ALL fans of CATS to HEED it. Because of the popularity of the video and so many new theatre fans that Cats attracts, a gentle…
Never Go Ashtray
3 min read
Today I began work on what will, I am sure, eventually come to be known as the greatest album I will ever record. Its prospective title is “Never Go Ashtray”, a quite clever pun on “Never Go Astray”, a mantra I repeat to my hair in the mirror each morning. The album is in fact…
Trying To Live Your Life In One Day (Part 1)
6 min read
Last Friday, the day I received my Alien ID card, ended up being kind of crazy. After returning to the hostel, I went out again with my Canadian friend Kevin to see some “culture”. We walked to the big fine/performing arts centre in Gwanghwamun, and checked out an exhibition of photos about traditional Korean acupuncture.…
I’m a legal alien
4 min read
I’m an alien, I’m a legal alien.
For the Spunkiest Girl In the World!
0 min read
Just Another Manic Update
6 min read
Rather than bore my dear readers with the minutiae of my sojourns here in Seoul (what I had for breakfast, the weather forecast, how much I miss home), I seek instead in this post to offer a few random snippets, observations and thoughts. 1,2,3,5 … A ride in the elevator in my hostel has proven…
Cities of Q –
4 min read
Q, you built a city inside my heart and now I’m trying to make it back. Do you remember what it looks like? What we did there? Where is it now? In this city there’s a lake that’s filled with fish & fountains powered by Your laughing soul – we’re creating plans, our soundtrack experiments;…
What is a PC Bang?
1 min read
Good question.
An airport, alone
1 min read
in the arrivals hall i begin planting trees walk naked through abandoned latrines the veins of the airport throb in safety nevertheless i will practice my tai-chi the gangways are empty of tired feet inside the food court fake ferns sleep i use broken glass to create my murals my terminal redevelopment is complete now…
Welcome to PC Bangs!
7 min read
Hello, welcome to PC Bangs and my apologies for the delay in getting things started. I have now been in Seoul for what seems like an eternity but which has actually only been two weeks. Over time, I hope to describe some of the aspects of Korea’s unique ‘PC Bang’ culture. Here, ‘bang’ is a…