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  • Renga

    A few months ago I was asked to be part of a renga with Keiji Minato (a Kyoto-based poet whom I had the great pleasure to meet last year) and another Japanese poet named Hiroshi. We wrote ku in turns, with Keiji translating between Hiroshi and myself. Here’s what we wrote. The letters in brackets…

  • Cordite #19

    Well they said we’d never make it. This, the nineteenth issue of Cordite Poetry Review, has turned out to be our biggest and most varied so far for 2004. With nineteen poems (appropriately enough) plus a collection of Slivers by Ian McBryde, Anti/Heroes is packed with more poetic moments than a tin of sonnets. Speaking…

  • I wrote this poem after visiting Hiroshima for the first time in 2004. It was later published in my first full-length poetry collection, We Will Disappear (2007). While we remember August 6 as the day Hiroshima died, and August 9 as the day the same fate was handed to Nagasaki, I personally was not aware…

  • Things move quickly in the world of publishing, let me tell you. Not one week since my poems “kyoto crow(s)” and “tonkatsu zen” appeared in nthposition but blow me down, they’ve decided to include “kyoto crow(s)” in an anthology, called ‘In the criminal’s cabinet’. It’ll be a book, and it’ll be out in October. Jeepers!…

  • Today two of my poems, kyoto crow(s) & tonkatsu zen, have been published in the very kewl online magazine, nthposition. The site is not just about poetry: there’s articles, rants and a downloadable Axis of Evil Cookbook, containing recipes from Iran, Iraq and North Korea (though as the editors point out, there are fewer North…

  • Shuttle

    Weapon le Monde was shitting himself. What with Dapto running late, evac counting down and the whine of the scarp shuttle now approaching the interexchange, chances were this day would turn out as shithouse as the last one. And the two or three before that. Okay they’ve all been shit, he thought, since the fucking…

  • our scarborough fairs deserted the northern end of a platform edges that escarpment hatched the shining bullet & its scythes its golden eye all gone martian destination a blurs some gilded beam where perch my destinys droid parrot whirring its bleats electrified outlasting even this most energised hillside of coal thudding then caving [ghosted rails…

  • Chris de Burgh has wasted no time on spurious infotainment or celebrity TV circuits following his purchase of the alien from Alien, and is now back in the studio recording new tracks, one of them rumoured to be a duet with Wimbledon champion and all-round bore, Roger “Rogi” Federer. The track, a remake of de…

  • In a sad attempt to outdo his fellow has-been rivals, Chris de Burgh has bought the alien that burst out of John Hurt’s chest in the 1979 terror-thriller, erm, Alien, according to about 30 000 news agencies. Fellow crooner and sad-case HoJo is said to be quietly considering his career options today, after de Burgh…

  • What happens when five people go shopping for one bed?

  • Wiggo!

    Former Cordite editor and all-round good bloke Adrian Wiggins has just updated his website. Adrian’s first book of poems “The Beggar’s Codex” came out through FIP in 1994. I once saw him wipe the floor of a Southern Highlands hotel with the artist formerly known as Les Murray but that’s another story. Since then Adrian’s…

  • string torque guts au go go strapped comment make a minor jugular apropos one dark leaving freaks his holiness headband brasilia twice mistaken for my ring toss hallelujah taurus maids of armoricas straddled shopping bags donate pipe cleaners to these worthy causeways komissars rex strassenbahn saves the kartoffeln day twas merely plasticine i took a…

  • selling out quokkas pyjama friendly nation rants spoilt by boot lip hypochondria illn ois youse cats sound so darned righteously spoolin underarm flair tarmac befuddled up straight side walker both arms in the airs foul duck shootin tootin quota mobile farm anyone can do it singin along swing fallow the leider u.s.w. zeppelin nerd abreaction…

  • Gutcult

    GutCult Volume 2, Issue 5 features a special selection of Australian poets including Pam Brown, MTC Cronin, Liam Ferney, DJ Huppatz “and many more …” The selection has been edited by Michael Farrell. I’m lucky enough to have been chosen: read my poems her royal majesty the queen and america. Yippee!

  • This poem was published in We Will Disappear under the title ‘Airliner’.